Please look this over!

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Hi there,
I am a new Uro owner I just got my uro (unnamed at the moment) yesterday. I put him/her into a 40 gallon breeder. He/She has 2 hides one is a large cave hide like thing that i am going to put moss, top soil (dont know where from) and a tiny bit of sand in for a burrowing hide. Then the hot hide will just have some moss in it. All he/she has been doing today is hiding :/ I know this is a new home but wont he/she get to cold? I have pictures of my set up and of him/her. Can you tell me if the set up looks good and if she looks healthy?
Also I want to build a melamine custom cage I read on this forum there is a thread that says its toxic?!?!? Please enlighten me in that topic
On the way home

At home getting a little warmed up before I put her in him/her in the new home. (I made a mess with some juice) :roll:

I was told he/she is a mali I got him/her from petsmart he/she also does this weird thing like he/she is belly dancing just kinda wiggles it's belly.
The abode

I have not been able to take weight or measure because this uro is pretty crazy at the moment.
Also they were feeding it crickets at the petstore how would I get it to eat some veg? He/she wont even pretend to eat.

Claudiusx Sicko
Staff member
Hi there, cute uro.

What are the temperatures in your tank? Basking surface specifically?

I wouldn't feed any insects at all. Feed only salad items. You can feed bird seed if you want as a protein source.



Juvie Member
your temps sound ok, if you could raise the hot side ambient temp to 100 that would be better.. the belly wiggle is him telling you to get the heck away.. they can hide for WEEKS at first.. the set up looks ok.. but I would avoid the moss and top soil.. If you want something he can dig or burrow in you can look into zoo med excavator clay.. I agree on the no bugs statement.. A good tool for getting a new uro to eat.. is thawed, frozen peas.. dont try to hold him or handle him for weeks, months maybe.. also if you can cover the front of his tank with a poster board or something that might make him feel more secure.. when I got mine i covered every side of a 125g tank in black poster board.. it still took him a month to start poking around.. your guy looks like he is a yellow saharan to me.. i cant think of anything else to tell you even though im sure theres a TON more you need to know.. check out urowiki and if you have any more questions feel free to ask.

Also.. side note.. uromastyx are not like bearded dragons. I would not take him on outtings.. or hold him much.. and remember, the wiggling is him being pissed off.


Juvie Member
sorry, i should have said.. the belly wiggle is him getting ready to smack you with his tail.. and that can hurt.


Hatchling Member
don't use moss or topsoil. uro's need to be very very dry. try to get out of feeding bugs as well.

he looks similar to my boyfriends dispar uromastyx. he's not as green as the mali's i've seen.


Original Poster
We lost power shortly after I posted I had hand warmers but the stress of a new home and a power outage was to much and he passed :(
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