Please help!! Rescued beardie extremely sick


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Beardie name(s)
Kili (shmoogums)
I recently rescued a bearded dragon a few months ago as my first reptile. I was told I was getting a healthy beardie with the entire setup for relatively cheap. When I picked him up he was motionless and they said he's just lazy but he moves around during the day. He was in a very loud and hectic house with young children. I took him home and did as much research as possible. He is about 6 years old from what his previous owners said.

Right off the bat I noticed his enclosure was all wrong. Too small, all glass sides, one small 75 watt heat lamp, no basking spot, VERY DIRTY. I removed the vinyl flooring and it was about 1/2 deep on disgusting liquid and dead superworms. It seems that is all they fed him. He was not pooping often and when he did it was all liquid and smelled atrocious. I changed his diet thinking that would help to collard/arugula/dandelion greens with calcium plus d3 power daily and different veggies like carrots, peppers and occasionally a blueberry or two. (Rarely) His bowel movements remained the same. I added a second heat lamp and brought his hot side temp to 90-95, humidity 20-30, basking between 109-115, cold side 80 - 85, cold humidity stays around 40. He has 22" Arcadia 12% t5 ubv (brand new).

He recently stopped eating and pooping. Won't move at all. Absolutely refuses to bask. If I put him on his basking spot, he leaves within minutes and goes to one of his 3 hides. I took him to vet. They did xray and found out he is extremely constipated which was pushing on his lungs making it difficult for him to breath. They did enema and took a fecal sample. Positive for pin worms. I was given fenben dewormer and anti biotic "just in case". I have been syringe feeding him critical care omnivore. He had some normal poops and seemed like he was feeling better. Still not eating solid. Then last Saturday he began shaking constantly and hasn't stopped since. I took him to the vet the day it started. They said I need a blood test but it is 288 dollars and I have already spent so much money trying to save him. I have depleted my savings. He has been shaking/twitching constantly since then and now hasn't pooped in 5 days. He still eats syringe and I've been topping salad with bee pollen which he's eaten a few but very little of.

My question is what could this twitching/shaking be? It did not ever happen before I took him to the vet and I am at a loss. It is constant. It started in his tail and now I could be touching him or not and basically everything below the neck twitches. I could start my finger and head and run down spine, by the time I get to his neck his whole body is twitching. He also twitches when he is not being touched, constantly.

2cd question, the vet suggested meloxicam for pain for the rest of his life, or euthanasia. I obviously don't want either of these things for him, I want to rehabilitate him so he can get the chance at life that he deserves. This vet is not a specialist as it has proven very difficult to find an affordable specialist in my area.

Could the twitching be MBD or neurological? All of the videos online don't seem to match the same type of twitching that he is exhibiting. His head and arms do not shake but the rest of him does.

He is completely lethargic, will not eat solid food, has not pooped in days, barely opens his eyes, struggles to walk, does not like basking at all (always In his cold side of tank).

I know I need to get him retested for parasites again but other than that I am lost. I'm honestly devasted I feel like I've done everything I could possibly do and I do not want to let him die. Please help me

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
I recently rescued a bearded dragon a few months ago as my first reptile. I was told I was getting a healthy beardie with the entire setup for relatively cheap. When I picked him up he was motionless and they said he's just lazy but he moves around during the day. He was in a very loud and hectic house with young children. I took him home and did as much research as possible. He is about 6 years old from what his previous owners said.

Right off the bat I noticed his enclosure was all wrong. Too small, all glass sides, one small 75 watt heat lamp, no basking spot, VERY DIRTY. I removed the vinyl flooring and it was about 1/2 deep on disgusting liquid and dead superworms. It seems that is all they fed him. He was not pooping often and when he did it was all liquid and smelled atrocious. I changed his diet thinking that would help to collard/arugula/dandelion greens with calcium plus d3 power daily and different veggies like carrots, peppers and occasionally a blueberry or two. (Rarely) His bowel movements remained the same. I added a second heat lamp and brought his hot side temp to 90-95, humidity 20-30, basking between 109-115, cold side 80 - 85, cold humidity stays around 40. He has 22" Arcadia 12% t5 ubv (brand new).

He recently stopped eating and pooping. Won't move at all. Absolutely refuses to bask. If I put him on his basking spot, he leaves within minutes and goes to one of his 3 hides. I took him to vet. They did xray and found out he is extremely constipated which was pushing on his lungs making it difficult for him to breath. They did enema and took a fecal sample. Positive for pin worms. I was given fenben dewormer and anti biotic "just in case". I have been syringe feeding him critical care omnivore. He had some normal poops and seemed like he was feeling better. Still not eating solid. Then last Saturday he began shaking constantly and hasn't stopped since. I took him to the vet the day it started. They said I need a blood test but it is 288 dollars and I have already spent so much money trying to save him. I have depleted my savings. He has been shaking/twitching constantly since then and now hasn't pooped in 5 days. He still eats syringe and I've been topping salad with bee pollen which he's eaten a few but very little of.

My question is what could this twitching/shaking be? It did not ever happen before I took him to the vet and I am at a loss. It is constant. It started in his tail and now I could be touching him or not and basically everything below the neck twitches. I could start my finger and head and run down spine, by the time I get to his neck his whole body is twitching. He also twitches when he is not being touched, constantly.

2cd question, the vet suggested meloxicam for pain for the rest of his life, or euthanasia. I obviously don't want either of these things for him, I want to rehabilitate him so he can get the chance at life that he deserves. This vet is not a specialist as it has proven very difficult to find an affordable specialist in my area.

Could the twitching be MBD or neurological? All of the videos online don't seem to match the same type of twitching that he is exhibiting. His head and arms do not shake but the rest of him does.

He is completely lethargic, will not eat solid food, has not pooped in days, barely opens his eyes, struggles to walk, does not like basking at all (always In his cold side of tank).

I know I need to get him retested for parasites again but other than that I am lost. I'm honestly devasted I feel like I've done everything I could possibly do and I do not want to let him die. Please help me
L9wer the basking temp. Adults need 95-100 degrees. That may be why he won't bask. I'm concernedvyhey gave him the enema, it often ends in tragedy. If the vet doesn't knowxwhat he is doing, they perforate the intestines. I sincerely hope that isn't what's going on. Try giving him some baby food unsweetened apple, pumpkin, sweet potato, or prunes. It he is just constipated it may help him have a movement. Im flagging Tracie @Drache613 she is a vet tech, she might be able to give you better advice.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Oh dear, poor thing. I am sorry he is not doing well.
I as well, am worried about the vet giving an enema. I hope that there was no damage done internally.
For now, continue to give soft foods only, such as the canned pumpkin, sugar free applesauce, squash baby food, sweet potato, mixed with a few drops of olive or coconut oil.
Your UVB light is good. How do you have it placed currently? He more than likely came to you with a low calcium level already so it could just now be manifesting.
Between the constipation & possible metabolic bone issues, it could cause extreme sensitivity on & along the spinal column. What happens when they are that constipated, it will cause pressure on the nerves along the spine & is possible to cause the twitching, too. If it's causing pressure on nerves, that will lead to back leg paralysis as well.
Can you give him a daily bath, & encourage him to try & swim or move around some? Water therapy is very effective. Also, at night, you can keep him a little warmer to help expedite & boost his system. The 75-80F range is good. As suggested, for an adult, bring down the daily basking temperatures to a range of 95-105F max, with a cooler area of 75-80F for him.
You can use a heating pad set on LOW overnight, with a towel in between him & the pad. It needs to be turned off during the day & not be used in combination with an overhead basking light.
What kind of calcium are you using for him? I would recommend getting a good liquid calcium supplement to help get his system boosted.
Is his beard dark right now?
We are here to help. Don't give up on him yet, I hope we can get him going in the right direction.
Can you post some pictures of his tank setup, just so we can see how it's all arranged for him?


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