Thank you so much for answering Tracie. She doesn’t currently have any live insects in the enclosure nor did she when this happened. Getting the honey today so that it can hopefully work faster because it doesn’t look greatHello,
It could be some type of puncture, or a bite of some type? Do you keep any insects in his tank with him that could have bitten him?
Continue to use some diluted betadine & definitely start
using some raw unpasteurized honey on it also, to help
keep it from getting infected.
Let us know how he is doing.
She’s not usually outside of her tank often, and not lately to where this could have been from a cat or dog despite us having those animals as well. The more I look at it I don’t think it’s a bite. Getting honey when husband is off work today (I don’t drive) and if it gets worse we will be going to a vet. Unfortunately money is tight but I definitely want her to feel better so we will do that soon if honey isn’t helping. Thank you so much for respondingHi Sarah, sorry about Rem's foot. Does she roam outside of the tank at all and do you have other pets , cat or dog ? Just wondering if she got nipped. Honey will be good for it but if it gets much worse find a qualified vet for some antibiotics and another opinion.
Every day maybe a couple times per day NO crickets in the tank if your feeding themI have honey applied to her foot now but may I ask how often I should be doing the honey treatment? Thanks guys so so much
Thank youEvery day maybe a couple times per day NO crickets in the tank if your feeding them
Not really, only when we mess with it to help her. She’s still walking and eating like normal. The scales layer looks dead skin that’s starting to pull away from her like a wet scab. Once that layer comes off and it’s an open wound, is honey still okay to apply? Or should I do triple antibiotic? I just don’t want to apply the wrong thing. Thank you so so much TracieHello,
I hope the swelling continues to go down. They are pretty resilient, yes but if it gets infected, it can
cause marked health issues.
It should be enough to ward off any infection by using the betadine & raw honey on it daily. Does
it seem to be bothering him at all?