Please help asap. Baby hatchling in egg burst egg intact yolk (full term)

AHBD Sicko
Are you sure it escaped and is not curled up under something ? Is there something it could have climbed that was close to the top of the tank ? Post pics of the entire enclosure from the side + from above.


Original Poster
I have just put flour down in front of fridge and washer and in my hall way . I have pulled out dryer and checked I have checked clothing rail or bags in the kitchen. I have left a heat lamp in the hall and kitchen I can’t see him getting to the lounge as I was in there when he went missing

AHBD Sicko
It should be close to the tank. How far was it to the floor if he jumped + fell out ? Do you have a dog or cat ?

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

So sorry your other one did not make it. I know it's
devastating to lose a tiny one, poor little one. They are
so small.
Did you find the one who escaped the tank?
I hope your other ones are doing well, they are very



Original Poster
I have just put flour down in front of fridge and washer and in my hall way . I have pulled out dryer and checked I have checked clothing rail or bags in the kitchen. I have left a heat lamp in the hall and kitchen I can’t see him getting to the lounge as I was in there when he went missing


Original Poster
FOUND HIM, after a melt down and covering loads of areas with flour. Lay in the kitchen on the floor trying to hear him. I lay in the lounge to see if walker far. Anyway I got up and sat back down listening in kitchen and I heard scratching coming from the bag with my plastic rubbish in. I’d already gone through it all
But missed him some how. I would have gone through again as I had tied it and would have rechecked before throwing as I always do if my gecko had gone awol.

He is the teeniest one and I think he’s managed to climb and get through the finger holes for the glass. I had already taped kitchen roll over yhem
But not enough. So I’m going turn them
Around upside down. I cleaned and bathed him and used a special antiseptic I have for reptiles and wiped his tummy.


Original Poster
The teeny monkey HOUDINI LOL


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Original Poster
That's great ! Phew !
Yes I told him off and said he was nearly giving mummy a heart attack. I have swapped the glass upside down. Funny thing was, why I was swapping one side and other baby was working his way through be hole on the other side. I think it was where kitchen roll was sticking up, they climbed on that and then getting to the finger hole.

Just a question should I feed babies in a separate tub as these bloody tiny crickets are a nightmare. I don’t want to leave with the babies at night incase of biting . So I put the babies in a large tub in
The big last night as obviously I didn’t have time to get all
Crickets with the drama of Houdini? X

Oh and wanted to say Thank you to everyone for your comments and help.
Really helped me deal with the loss of one. Still waiting for the egg to hatch .

AHBD Sicko
You can feed the babies in their own tank. I already mentioned how I fed my babies and that they won't eat for the first few days.
In the meantime secure a large fresh green leaf of arugula or other good green in the tank. The babies may take nips from it and the tiny loose crickets also may be attracted to it.


Original Poster
As you can see there’s a big difference In the clutch. Some are tiny and some are big. I went driving for small crickets for them yesterday and showed the exotic pet shop owner and he said the bigs ones look huge babies and look like two week olds . He said they looked really healthy . So mum is short and dinky but if the male had somehow used his super powers and got to her then he’s a big male .


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Original Poster
You can feed the babies in their own tank. I already mentioned how I fed my babies and that they won't eat for the first few days.
In the meantime secure a large fresh green leaf of arugula or other good green in the tank. The babies may take nips from it and the tiny loose crickets also may be attracted to it.
Thank you. Sorry I must of forgot. I put some tiny bits of leaves in yesterday as I thought the crickets may be better on eating them than the babies. I know they said they can’t digest veg until eaten bugs to build
Up their bacteria. Is that correct? I’ll still put veg out, I cut loads into micro pieces. Don’t think I could get smaller.
I’m going to put crickets into a bin as these get everywhere. My delivery came and they look super tiny crickets. May have to grow tgem
Up a bit

AHBD Sicko
No, babies can eat greens first but they're more likely to go for the bugs. Having a large soft leaf perched upright will attract the babies more than shredded greens as far as visually they spot it right away as they would in the wild. And it's good that the crickets came in small, they can grow quickly anyway. Don't obsess too much now about them eating, none of my many clutches of babies ate for the fisrst 3 days on average,


Original Poster
Ok ill
Try get something soft leafy to stand up. I keep trying them with bugs and spraying . They are such little cuties. I still have one egg not hatched yet. They seem to want to come and jump on my hand and when I try to put them
Down they keep turning around and jump back on me. 3 are big babies and 2 petite ones


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