Please help a member of this community (Updated 12/26)

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Sub-Adult Member
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A member of our dragon community is going through a rough time this Christmas and I think his special dragon and himself could really use some support. I would like to put a care package together for his dragon and him to help them get through this rough time.

If you are interested in helping please contact me by PM.

This package will not be from just me, it will be from this community I will just pack it up and send it off in everyones name that helped.

Please help share some Christmas spirit

:blob8: LG's food will be shipped out today!! 12/26 :blob8:

:blob5: Jason's care package has been shipped!! :blob5:



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I have to head off to work I work 4-9 tonight. If you PM me or post here I am not ignoring you just won't be back untill later tonight.


Sub-Adult Member
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Good News. LG will be getting a shipment of feeders next week! They ship out Monday.

Now the rest of the donations I think should go towards getting Jason some supplies he also is in need like his dragon.

If anyone out there would like to write a letter to Jason please send it to me by email and I will enclose all the letters in the care package, I am sure he could really use some encouragement from everyone. Kind caring words go a long way.

diamc Sicko
Staff member
Thanks so much for doing this Nicole, you have such a sweet heart. :p I will compose a letter and send it to you tomorrow.


Sub-Adult Member
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Thanks Diane!

And thanks to everybody whos donated I am sure Jason & LG is going to be very thankful!

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member
Hello Nicole,

How is everything going & when are you sending the care package out?



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LG is taken care of everyone's donations got LG 400+ Butter worms. They should be shipping today and they are coming from a good friend of mine on the West coast so they should arrive faster. He also said he was going to throw in some extra Butters for LG. :blob8:

Tonight after work I plan on going with Steve to the store tonight ( :oops: need a guys input on what Jason needs :lol: ) so the rest of the donations can get Jason some supplies to help take care of himself. Then I plan on packing it all up tonight and shipping it out tomorrow. :blob5:

Everyone here who donated will help make Jason smile and keep LG's little belly nice and plump. :blob5: :blob8:

I am making a card to send with Jason's care package with everyones name on it that donated that wanted to be known. I am still hoping members here will write a letter by email to Jason and send it to me. I will NOT read it just print it out and put it in the care package.

Goonie Sicko
Retired Moderator
YAY! LG will soon be eating like a queen!

Nicole, thank you so much for organizing this. I know Jason will make good use of everything.
I will send you an email later this afternoon. You may read it if you wish (no secrets :wink:)
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