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Sub-Adult Member
MrsWolvie":1xsrwca2 said:
Is there a way to turn the pictures? Mine always come out sideways or upside-down

At this time, there is not, but it is a well known issue
From what I understand, it has something to do with the coding given to the photo from the source, aka phone. I'm not sure if rotating a photo will be implemented but it's not a bad idea

beardie Sicko
Staff member
Beardie name(s)
Cailyth, Pinky, & Brain
I am hoping to get some time to fix this. The workaround for some has been to edit the image in your phone so it is sideways (assuming that's where it came from), saving the rotation change, then editing it again to be correct and saving again. This process seems to add the orientation information that the website looks for.

beardie Sicko
Staff member
Beardie name(s)
Cailyth, Pinky, & Brain
Okay. So, now I feel slightly lame. But I am glad that I took a moment to look into this issue. I wasn't expecting to fix it already, though. I thought I would at least try to spend small chunks of time and eventually fixing it. Well, just looking into the function that does the encoding (so I can read up on how to offer "rotate left" and "rotate right" buttons for people to fix images themselves), I stumbled across a comment posted on the documentation page (just a user sharing information about the issue and providing code that does it better than the default function; gotta love forum communities!).

So, I just tested it, using the function he created (basically what I would have had to figure out to do), and it seems to work.

Can others try testing with images oriented in ways that were an issue and see if that fixes it? I can't fix old images at the moment (would take more time and coding still), but at least this should fix new uploads!

Please test. If all is better, I will make a global announcement since SOOO many people have asked about this.

Thanks again for asking again... it really does help keep me aware of some of the more pressing issues for you all, in a time that I'm super busy in my personal life; promotion that takes much of my time, baby on the way... you know... that LIFE stuff :) .

I do hope this change fixes the issue for new images.


beardie Sicko
Staff member
Beardie name(s)
Cailyth, Pinky, & Brain
Hmmm... okay. I just noticed that my test wasn't QUITE right. It fixed the orientation but it cropped the image in a weird way.

Spending a little more time, I found that I still had code using size/orientation info prior to the proper rotations being applied. I think that's fixed...

Please test away and let me know if it seems fixed for you too.

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