Phoenix's Thread 4/10 SHED PICTURES!

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Hey all! I've decided to give phoenix, my almost 11 month old, his own thread! Here are his bathtime pictures!

Question of the day: Does he look small for his age?

Fine, I'll smile...

Last one! And I mean it!

FINE, Take another picture...

(Does he look little in this picture? He's almost up to 15 inches when i roughly measured, meaning it was a little difficult to get exact.)

BTW, you may be able to notice this, but he's currently about to shed. so his colors aren't as vibrant as they normally are. When he goes through his shed, i'll post pictures of the end result. ;)


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
thanks so much for the information! i'll give that a try. I'll see how he eats later, if i have to hand feed or not. I follow your thread on Samson, he's a cutie!

as far as Samson not eating alot, does he poop daily?


jcot13":21420p3i said:
as far as Samson not eating alot, does he poop daily?

Yes Samson poops on a regular basis. Sometimes he will miss a day but it's usually when he is shedding or when it's cold outside. I forgot to mention that he does not only eat crickets and supers. He also likes to eat his greens. He has been eating more veggies lately. When we first got him he didn't eat any veggies but now he does :blob8: I hand feed Samson every once in a while but it is usually the veggies when I am trying to get him to taste something new. I don't do it often but he doesn't seem to expect it after I've done it! I hope you got Phoenix to eat by himself today. They do like to make us worry don't they!!!

jcot13":21420p3i said:
I follow your thread on Samson, he's a cutie!

Thank you for follwing Samson's thread and thank you I think he's a cutie too but then again he is my baby :D


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
as far as him not eating much, he may have moved on to greens by now, you never know!


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Hey guys!

I'm back after a long weekend of no pictures! I'm trying to stuff Phoenix up because i leave for Arizona tomorrow and i wont be back until Saturday morning, so I wont be posting replies probably! the person i have taking care of him is probably only going to give him his greens, so i gotta "pump the protein" for today. :lol: Hopefully he'll forgive me after i bring back his own "Phoenix, Arizona" basking rock!

WEll do i have good news for you guys, i figured out (well, tried out) a great way to get phoenix to eat his greens! so all you picky eaters out there listen with open ears! this is no new trick, but let me tell you IT WORKS! normally, phoenix's "salad" consists of whatever greens i find. This week it happens to be collards and kale. however, today i tried something new, i decided to shave some carrots on top of the salad and put chunks of apple. BOY AM I GLAD I DID THIS, HE WONT STOP EATING IT! the sweet smell and taste of the apple makes him want more and the orange color grabs his attention to the salad (orange is one of beardies favorite colors). But anyway, all i did was hand fed him a piece of the apple so he could try it out, and put him by his salad dish, and bingo! he ate! also another thing i did was put his salad in a more shallow dish, i heard this helps too. maybe it does, i dont know.

but here are pictures of his "Ultimate Salad":

and here is another picture of Phoenix:

Now i know this picture isnt really good, but i took it to show how he is in a shed. A lot of people couldt really tell in the first pictures, but you can see he has a vibrant spot of color on his neck and his head and back are dull. I cant wait for him to be done, he always looks SO bright after, and dont worry i'll take pictures. Not like you people here like pictures or anything. :p

Question of the Day: If I were to get a rock from Arizona, what would i have to do to sterilize it for the tank?

Thats all for now, check out the pictures, read my stories, give some input on my question of the day, make suggestions, whatever! I'm all for help!

Phoenix and John!


Sub-Adult Member
wash it good with 10% bleach to water, rinse well and then bake it in the oven to kill whatever germs might remain. :D Happy rock hunting!


Sub-Adult Member
Very cute! You can definitely tell he's in shed in that last photo. He has some nice colors coming through. I know I won't have to ask, but can you post some post shedding photos when he finishes up? ;)


That's great that you got Phoenix to eat! I figured out that Samson loves Mango. I put a litte in his salad the other day and he attacked it. Right now the mangos at the store look very sorry so I bought the ones in the can and I washed them to take off the syrup. Maybe Phoenix was just bored and needed something different! Samson goes through that sometimes and I have to switch his food...especially during shed.

I hope you find the perfect rock in Phoenix :) Have a fun and safe trip :)


Hatchling Member
Original Poster

So, I'm home now guys. Unfortunately, i couldn't find any rocks that would be good enough for him! BUT, I GOT HIM 2 LITTLE CACTI AND A POT TO PUT THEM IN! it's so cool, i can't wait to put it in. I was wondering though, is anyone here able to identify the types of cacti i got, incase he does eat them?


Sub-Adult Member
You could always post them, someone might know....or you can look up the different types of cacti online, find out the name and people will be able to tell you if it's OK.

Phoenix is GORGEOUS, wow I can't wait to see some after shed pics of him...

On a side note, I had NO idea that beardiee keep growing until they are 2 yrs learn something new everyday!


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
The moment you've all been waiting for, Phoenix after a shed!


If anyone can help me identify if these cacti are safe to put into Phoenix's tank, that'd be great !


alittle hard to see, but one has spikes, the other doesnt.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
you guys beg me to put up pictures and don't even check 'em out! c'mon!

btw, anyone have a clue w/ the cacti?


Sub-Adult Member
Sorry, I haven't been online all that much for the last few days. Phoenix is looking great! He's definitely a little cutie pie. ;)

Can't help with the cactus though. :(


I wish I knew anything about plants. Abouth the only thing I can identify is an aloe plant!! Wish I could help :(

Phoenix is gorgeous! Beautiful colors!! I need to take pictures of Samson....he just shed and now he has some orange stripes on him. Amazing how they change with each shed. I'm sorry you couldn't find a nice rock for Phoenix. That sucks! I'm glad you had a nice trip and that you are back home with your baby :) How did the eating go while you were gone?


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Eating went well while i was gone! i instructed the care taker to only feed him greens, crickets would have been a hassle for them. He ate a whole dish of greens each day, and left me some "welcome home" presents. so i gave him a much needed spring cleaning and a long soak in the tub. i think he was happy for me to be home, especially after gobbling down his crickets! :D
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