Phoenix worms?

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member
Hello Fellow Aussies, :D

Just a quick question for you all. I have a friend who was wondering if you can get phoenix worms in Australia as that is where he lives? If not, is there an equivalent type of worm being sold there or another name for them that I don't know about?
Thanks for any help you all can give me.



Juvie Member
I think i may have spoke to him in a diff post..

If it doesn't naturally occur here I'm pretty sure its not allowed in. And i doubt you can get them them shipped because of risks to our farms or some crap like that.

The only things i have come across ALL SUCK! Wood roaches or "Woodies", Meal worms, Crickets and when in season (Sept-Oct) Silk worms.

I have not seen or heard of these in Australia : butter worms, super worms, horn worms, phoenix worms, wax worms or Dubias.

So our choice in Australia are extremely limited.

But if you come across ANYTHING that is allowed in, please PLEASE tell me!!!!


Gray-bearded Member
Supers are pretty easy to find, a big retailer of them is pieces... Wax worms fishing and bait stores can get them in.


Juvie Member
yeah true

but id like to give him some variety and i have been scared away from mealies and the woodie are massive compared to his size

and silk worms are only seasonal:(

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member
Original Poster

Thanks for all of your responses. I will PM him back & send him this link. He is from the
Well, the grubs are nutritious but you all don't breed those.
So you don't have the calcigrubs being sold there? I guess they probably don't get tons of variety in the wild anyway.
The superworms are morio worms & the mealworms are tenebrio molitor so they are completely different types of worms. The superworms are much more nutritious than the mealies are also.



Hey, I actually post here more than on ARK anyway. Thanks for making this topic. Does anyone know where to get Supers in Victoria? Any idea what length a beardie has to be to eat supers? Mine is about 13-14 inches based on last time i measured him.

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