Phoenix isn't eating!

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Juvie Member
Since he needs so few crickets, they shouldn't really smell all that much. I find the ones I buy smell awful when I bring them home, but once I put them into the cricket bin and give them the cricket feed and veggies I have, they smell fine. I hate the sound the bigger ones make, so I've feeding more crickets in a smaller size. As far as the light goes, people on here use self adhesive hooks, like 3M command or w/e they're called and hang the fixture on them. I think for Phoenix it would be better to have the light directly above him though, to make sure he gets as much UVB as possible. Putting a reflector behind the bulb will also benefit him. Do you move the screen top to access him? You could use a spring loaded/pressured curtain rod, like a shower curtain rod, and place it lengthwise inside his terrarium, then you can suspend the light fixture from it (like a shop light) using thin chains or wire cable.
I ordered my MVB bulb from here a few weeks ago (the shipping to Canada cost about $11).
The lights are way less expensive than at pet stores. They also have metal reflectors for fluorescents on the 2nd page under lighting



Original Poster
OMG thanks so much!!! And the vet said he has an upper respiratory infection, AND they found out he has pin worms!! I WAS SO UPSET!!! We feed him freeze dried crickets so there was no way he could have gotten them, so my mom and I are thinking he's had them for a while with his previous owners, because they never got a stool check. :shock:


Juvie Member
Poor guy :(
You need to get his enclosure set right. The lower temps contribute to URI's, so does a humidity above 30%. You'll want his over night temps about 80-85f while he's recovering. That will help boost his immune system.
Because antibiotics kill good and bad bacteria, he's going to need a probiotic while he's on medications, to help replenish the good bacteria. Also, just like in humans, when antibiotics upset the bacteria balance, there can be an over abundance of yeast. For reptiles, the school of thought is that when this yeast is present in the poop, it can get on their skin and cause yellow fungus, which you want to avoid at all costs!
It has been suggested on here to use a blanket, or something similar, to position your dragon so that his head is a bit lower than his body while he's sleeping. This will help his lungs drain and help him to breathe easier.
Did the vet do a blood test? I think it's very important to check his vitamin and mineral levels. His immune system can't function well if he has deficiencies.

There are members here who can help you make sure Phoenix's medication doses are correct for his weight. And give you tips for nursing him back to health :D
Perhaps you can add to or change the title of this thread, so it reflects his diagnosis. That may catch the eye of more experienced members who can offer you more help :)

Best of luck!!


Original Poster
Thanks so much! I will most definitely work on all that. I replaced the sand with newspaper, since it's cheap and easy to clean/ remove. And I will be buying one of those UVB holders from that store! :3 We're taking back everything this weekend and getting the ReptiSun 10.0! And no they didn't take blood tests... Sadly. He said his bones were strong so they didn't need to take any blood tests. -__-


Phoenix worms are a good source of calcium. They can be ordered on-line. I would also look at butter worms, horned worms and silk worms. I have not fed Spike or Sampson silk worms, but they love the butters and horned worms. Some how you need to convince your mom, for the health of the beardie, that crickets are a good feeder. They are very easy to dust with calcium powder or vitamins. You can use the "shake and bake" method. I use a cheap sandwich bag, put some calcium powder in it then the amount of crickets I want to feed. Shake the bag well until all the crickets are dusted. Many recommend feeding as many as he will eat in 15 minutes. Is your dad very handy? I have a pic of how I have Spike and Sampson's lights. It is just a metal frame with a chain coming down with the light on it. If you would like to see it, I will post the pic.


Original Poster
My dad absolutely hates reptiles. I'm the only one in my family that likes them. I actually used to feed him live crickets, I got them from walmart (Bad choice I know)... And they stunk horribly! My whole room smelt like them! It was terrible! And yes that would be so very helpful!!!


This is the frame that my husband built for me. This is Spike's new tank that we put together this past weekend.

It is made out of aluminum. It has a flange that fits under the tank that holds the frame up.

A pic of Spike enjoying his new tank. If you are interested in making something like this, or want more info, just PM me.
I'm sorry to hear about the parasites. But the good news is that they are treatable. I don't remember if it is the probiotic, but you will want to make a "rice sock". Take an old sock, fill it with rice and tie off the end. At lights out you will want to warm it up in the microwave to get it really warm, but not scalding hot. Lay on the floor of the viv and put Phoenix on top of it, then wrap him and the sock loosely with a small towel. The heat will help the meds. You may need a CHE during this time also.
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