I'm not sure if this belongs in "feeders" or "feeding," but I wanted to share my discovery about repti/calci/phoenix worms--and it's kinda gross, so be warned. I've been feeding George PWs since I got him, and it seemed that he routinely wasn't digesting about 10% of his PWs. Apparently that's pretty common, judging by the number of posts on the subject. Well, today I noticed something about one of those supposedly undigested worms. George decided to poo in his bath and when I went to rinse him off, there was what looked to be an undigested PW stuck to his back leg. When I picked it up w/a q-tip, it was clear that it was not solid--it was more like a wet sack. I think George must've somehow managed to digest the guts and poo out the skin whole. I also noticed that the 4 or 5 apparently undigested worms all looked white-ish, which struck me as weird because I was at the end of a container and pretty much all the PWs I fed him (he eats 45-50 at a pop) were black or close to it, which makes me think that perhaps they were all just skins. Has anyone else noticed this?