
So...over the weekend we went to Exotic Pets (Better known as and I saw so many adorable beardie babies there! It makes me want another...however, I don't think my parents want another animal...I've also been casually browsing morphmarket and have seen so many cool/adorable animals I'd love to give a home to... snakes, scorpions, tarantulas, beardies (of course!), gecko's, and many more....any advice on how to calm my insatiable thirst for loving more animals?

@Rocky2022 @NickAVD @xp29 @LarryTheLizard @BPSabelhaus

xp29 Sicko
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
So...over the weekend we went to Exotic Pets (Better known as and I saw so many adorable beardie babies there! It makes me want another...however, I don't think my parents want another animal...I've also been casually browsing morphmarket and have seen so many cool/adorable animals I'd love to give a home to... snakes, scorpions, tarantulas, beardies (of course!), gecko's, and many more....any advice on how to calm my insatiable thirst for loving more animals?

@Rocky2022 @NickAVD @xp29 @LarryTheLizard @BPSabelhaus
I'm afraid I'm not the person for advice on this, I have 4 atm and had 5 for a long time 😅 my willpower to not bring beardies home is weak 😉


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
I'm afraid I'm not the person for advice on this, I have 4 atm and had 5 for a long time 😅 my willpower to not bring beardies home is weak 😉
LOL! I've thought about volunteering at an animal hospital or something...And we all love that you keep bringing beardies home and giving them great lives :)

AHBD Sicko
I feel the same way and I used to indulge myself a little bit but try to keep it down to a manageable number now. But you might have to stop looking . 🤤


Gray-bearded Member
Beardie name(s)
What always stops me is that when I have the desire to get a pet, I stop myself and start making a plan of what I need to do to arrange his home and everything always ends up with finding a place for a terrarium in the apartment. i.e. if I had a place, I would have a dozen dragons and several iguanas lol:LOL:


Gray-bearded Member
Beardie name(s)
any advice on how to calm my insatiable thirst for loving more animals?
I'm also very much into that. I could get them all ;) :D

We have here a great reptile store - almost always beardies, then chameleons, various kinds of snakes, green iguanas (also in blue and red), blue tongue skinks, leopard geckos, tortoises. Sometimes also frogs.
(I also love insects and tarantulas, but they are rarely available here.)
While living in the US, I also sometimes visited reptile/ exotics expos.
What keeps me from getting them: It's my love for animals. Like @NickAVD:
I would have space for it (okay, we would have it - and I don't use much space for other stuff). I could afford the power consumption. I could afford the vet. But then there is the thing with getting the supplies - no only paying for them but really finding them here. Really hard and I already struggle with finding the correct lamps here in Chile just for my 1 bearded dragon (I will pick up more replacement lamps from relatives in Germany when traveling end of the year). So no way I could get all the supplies for 2 or 3 enclosures, and if I would need something out of the order like - yes, it exists - special sprays to make prey more attractive for snakes, or certain medicine, likely not available at all.
In the years before, I would have had a hard time regarding space, paying for (more) power, paying for the pet food, paying for the vet if necessary.

So, it's Taco, a bunch of hissing cockroaches (do not require special food nor some electric components - nothing from the pet store), an aquarium with platys (setup easily available here), and that's it. Period. For sure no additional pets.

In general: What keeps me from getting more pets, or what kept me from getting pets at all are cost, general availability of products/ care, and space. Time, and more specifically thinking about what I have planned for the next years, is also a thing. Here I'm fine with a bearded dragon: Rather long-term job, unlikely that we would have to move into a dorm or such, unlikely that we leave the country soon.
Years ago I would have had the opportunity to get a tree frog for free. Such a pretty animal - but it was just months before moving internationally. No tree frog.

It can also keep me from getting certain species. Like the green iguana(s) - so pretty, and I have no fear of large reptiles. But realistically, I would need an extra room for the iguana, or an enclosed outdoor space like in a garden, and I would need the special extra-long UV tubes. And if that iguana needs to go to the vet: Going on the bus with such a large animal... (We don't have a car and don't plan on getting one.) A bearded dragon is of much more manageable size and I could, if necessary, disguise his transport box as normal luggage on a bus.
So: No green iguana.


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
I'm not allowed to have snakes in the house and I keep being told no on a bird despite having a beautiful cage :)
She's starting to get on my case about the Endlers too lol
3 cat limit too. Gunnar keeps testing that one.


Gray-bearded Member
Beardie name(s)
My husband also won't agree with snakes at home. (I would be fine with them.)

With everything with more than 4 legs like arachnids and insects, he also has kind of a problem but is more okay with it than with snakes. We just recently were at a (small) local reptile expo and he didn't dare touching the python and boa (they had both, python a regular ball python) there.


Gray-bearded Member
Beardie name(s)
Rocky, Ruby
I remember when I felt the same way, I came to this site for advice and boom....I have Ruby!
I am the wrong person to ask. I want a tegu and one more beardie, w tops.
As much as I feel in love with Rocky, I didn't think I had enough love for anyone else....I was wrong.

We are saving the Earth...I think? Lol


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
My husband also won't agree with snakes at home. (I would be fine with them.)

With everything with more than 4 legs like arachnids and insects, he also has kind of a problem but is more okay with it than with snakes. We just recently were at a (small) local reptile expo and he didn't dare touching the python and boa (they had both, python a regular ball python) there.
More ok with more than four legs, doesn't like snakes....

Pet octopus. Push barriers lol Let him get comfortable with it on his hand, loving it then off handedly be like "Did I mention Medusa is poisonous?"


Gray-bearded Member
Beardie name(s)
Push barriers lol Let him get comfortable with it on his hand,
I tried this with snakes - "look, it's like Taco but without legs". No-no.
With the "more than four legs", he's now more fine with it (hand-feeds Taco with dubias and worms*, overcame some weird assumptions about what insects and arachnids can do like he feared that something would suddenly jump at him or gets under his skin). But still, me putting the Madagascar hissing cockroach tank next to my desk would not been something he had done for his desk :D

*For months, he always tried it with tongs. Imagine somebody using long bamboo barbecue tongs (they are intended to grab things in the enclosure that are out of reach for especially me as a smaller person) trying to grab a dubia or superworm out of the feeder bin, already fearing the insect. Likely the insect falls down on the floor before it's even inside the reptile tank. Then imagine said person crawling around on the floor, with those barbecue tongs, trying to catch said insect.
He now, luckily, dares to grab them with bare hands.

Last weekend here at the cost (I would not say "beach" as it's more wildlife watching than showing off the bikini here, and we were there for the wildlife), we spotted a sun starfish laying on the sand, flipped over, tiny tentacles trying to get hold onto something but there was nothing. It would have died on its own, it was around 30°C and there are tons of shorebirds. It was as large as a typical dinner plate.
It looked still in good shape - otherwise I would have kept it with "also the birds need something to eat".
I grabbed it, carried it away to a rock that would be under water at high tide (they live like that: slowly moving around on the rocks, using low tide to more easily get out of the water to absorb more sunlight, then back under into the quite cold water at high tide) and set it down. The tentacles immediately grabbed the rock.
My husband found it pretty cool that I rescued it, because he also had in mind helping but didn't dare as those tentacles freaked him out, plus more than 4 legs, plus no face - really not his thing.

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Mirage is feeling sPiCy
Does this look like a healthy beardie
LarryTheLizard wrote on ForLeonard!'s profile.
Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?

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