I'm so happy to hear that! I was hoping that he went to you so WE could get updates on him, but I'm so happy hes with someone who will take good care of him.
Way to Go!!!!!
Score one for the good guys!I am sorry you didnt get to bring him home because I know how much you care for beardies and will do to save them but I am very happy to hear he is out of that awful place.Good Job.You deserve a great big hug!
Thank goodness that poor beardie isn't in that h-e-'double hockey sticks' hole anymore.
Would there be any way you could get the name of the lady who took him and keep in touch? Just in case she ever change her mind and want to give him up? Hey, you never know.
Well, congrats on bringing a happy ending to the beardie, and for pointing out this place to those who needed to know.
Did you claim godmother? I would have.. lol..
I am glad everything turned out okay!
Emily, that's great that he now has a new home, you and Dave are hero's you know. :love5: Thanks for standing your ground more than once with this horrible petstore. At least tonight, you will sleep better knowing that he is not there any longer. I do think it would be a good idea for you to get that ladies phone number so that you can stay in touch with her AND so you can update all of us.
:love5: Thank you so much for standing up for this little beardie! The officers and ASPCA people were outstanding in their followup as well. I've talked with a few store managers to date, but have not seen anything as apalling in the stores closest here. If I have to call on a store, your story gives some great guidelines for handling the problem effectively. :notworthy:
it is so sad that these animals don't get cared for. the worst reason is that even in the big petsmart next to me, out of about 60 employees, only 3 could tell me about bds and BTLs. and out of them only one was helpful and only one was willing to hold a lizard.
Thank you all. Well, I had to go back in to the store last night just to check for myself that he was gone and he was. We got the evil eye form the manager the whole time we were in there lol. We were looking at a snake and talking to one of the girls who worked there. Who didnt know about the issue with the beardie and us lol. And she told us straight out that out of their 20 employees SHE was the only one who had any knowledge about the reptiles. And she does not know alot but she is the only one who will feed them and hold them and basically take care of them. The manger wont touch them nor will the assistant managers. One of their assistant managers who was there the first night we took over the store lol told us that night that he knows nothing about animals except for fish. The manager will not even bag the crickets for people who need them he calls other employees to do it cuz he is scared of them. This girl that takes care of the reptiles does not work every day so basically the reptiles are only taken care of when she works which is sad. Some employees will feed veggies to the ones who need them when she is not there. I just find it sad that at this store the manager is scared of the animals then why work in a pet store???? I believe the pet stores should have someone who specializes in each kind of animals they sell. But I doubt that will ever happen. We will continue to go in this store and probabley many others around here to check on beardies and other animals. And I would do everything I did already again!!!!!! I hope others who read this will do the same if they see something as awful as we did. And I am very greatful for the wonderful ASPCA officer we had on our side!!!!!!!!!!
Thank god you kicked the table over
I'm gobsmacked by how often I hear Pet Warehouse/Petco/Petsmart stories. How do they even do business if their animals are in such appalling conditions?!
I have been following the thread but delayed posting until now because of my fears that I might say something out of line considering this is a PG-13 forum.
Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?