Personality of your beardie


Sub-Adult Member
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Not directly about behavior(al issues), as this is the break room.
How would you describe the personality of your beardie(s) in a bit a funny way?

I start with my Taco:
Taco is an introvert (wanna come out of your enclosure? ah no, maybe tomorrow... maybe next week), relaxed (not discovered head bobbing and such yet, calm, no hissing, no biting, not afraid of brooms and such anymore), and a rugged outdoor guy (won't eat bugs that don't wiggle and run enough, won't eat salad chopped too fine but prefers live plants, and sleeps in a burrow he dug himself).
He's my pet-but-a-bit-like-wildlife, likes to visit human world but then "wanna go hooome".


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Luis and Lilith
I'd say Luis is an introvert as well, he is barely showing any emotions at all but when he does it is usually pretty obvious. Then he will puff up and open his mouth but it's becoming more and more rare. He has very high highs and very low lows, I'd say he's the perfect diva. For the most part he just wants to be left alone except for maybe some snuggles in the evening but even then I'm not sure if he is just happy to get out of the warm and bright tank so he can nap a little bit early or if he really enjoys it.

Lilly is basically the perfect opposite of him, she is very lively and brave and if your shoulder is in a good position to look out of a window she will not hesitate to jump onto your chest and climb up to that shoulder. Even with people she just met twice or so. She gets a little bit moody when she is in shed but other than that she's a peach. When she has one of her moods she will be a little bit more threatening then Luis but on the other hand she has never bitten me so far (Luis has).


Sub-Adult Member
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I'd say Luis is an introvert as well, he is barely showing any emotions at all but when he does it is usually pretty obvious.
My Taco shows very much emotions (which I would describe as: irritated, curious, puzzled, happy... my husband soon learned that there is really so much emotion in beardies and I'm not anthropomorphizing anything), but he's clearly an introvert:
Introvert is usually not defined as not showing much emotions (can be a byproduct however, e.g. as a human whether you're more the "laughing out loud" type or the "I show a smile when something is hyper-dyper funny" type), but as whether one gets energy from hanging out with people (extrovert) or needs energy to do so (introvert). And he's not shy or afraid of people, but he's somebody often choosing not to come out of his enclosure when offered. Or wanting back in soon despite it's warm and sunny. That's somewhat similar to me, also an introvert, often choosing not to have lunch in a group (of workmates, participants of a conference or such) but rather staying alone (recharge energy alone), or saying that I don't want another invitation this month as I already had one or even two, and that boredom for me usually doesn't have something to do with lack of people - whereas some extrovert people might say they had a "small" birthday party and mention "only 20 guests", or that they feel bored when their best buddy is away on a 1-week vacation :D
Same my Taco: Wants out of his enclosure usually once a week, sometimes not for two weeks - despite being totally active, happy (bright, tail curved upwards). Clearly shows that he likes me and trusts me (can touch his body everywhere, harness was never a problem, and things like that), but just won't come running for me but rather looks like "okay, registered, my "wormgiver" is here". Total contrast to some people here mentioning their dragon wants to come out all the time, even each afternoon, or goes crazy when they come home. Or being able to take their stats weekly :D (Seriously, I wouldn't been able to do that as he just won't come out that often, or back so quickly I often had prepared the scale, the ruler... just to grab them immediately for when he wants to come out.)
That is what I would call a more extrovert beardie.


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Luis and Lilith
I think it helps to have a big tank and/or good view. None of my dragons ever really "wanted" to come out as in glass surfing or such. It is more that I pick them up in super slow motion and if they don't mind it (they know what's coming) I take them out.
And yes that is what I mean, Luis doesn't mind me taking him out for an hour or two on the balcony but afterwards he might sleep at 5pm because it is just not relaxing for him.
Lilly is different again, she will not fall asleep for a long time after I take her out. She might even nap on me and as soon as I put her back in, she will go basking like "I'm recharged now, thanks".


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
I think it helps to have a big tank and/or good view. None of my dragons ever really "wanted" to come out as in glass surfing or such. It is more that I pick them up in super slow motion and if they don't mind it (they know what's coming) I take them out.
Same for mine.
No glass surfing, never. In addition: Not often coming towards me, or to an area where I can pick him up. When I attempt to pick him up, he not always wants to but just goes away (and then I don't do so, of course). Other times, he wants to come out when I offer him to pick him up - climbs up and looks very happy. And that's then once in 1 - 2 weeks :D Appears like considering his enclosure his home and what's around something that he wants to visit once in a while.
My dragon has also learned very well how he gets picked up and how to hold on, and is not afraid of this. If he doesn't want, he doesn't need to come out, and that's fine.
Another interesting thing: Over time, he has learned that nothing weird will happen in his enclosure when he's out. The first months, when I took him out, or just picked him up inside the enclosure without actually taking him out to getting him used to that, once back, he started walking around and licking everything. Like he had to make sure there was no other animal in, really controlling. Since he's older than approx. 8 months, he's not doing this anymore. He seems to be confident that nothing changes in the meanwhile. (He still sometimes licks things, perfectly fine. But not associated with having been out.)

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