Painting my son’s bearded dragon’s enclosure


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Hi everyone
I have built a new enclosure for my son’s bearded dragon with wood . however I painted the wood with a
Rust- oleum black paint and primer . I have left it outside in the sun for 2 days now. However I can still smell the paint . How long before I can put him inside of it or is it even safe to put him in there having painted it ?

xp29 Addict
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Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
If you can detect the smell at all, it will irritate their respotory system. Their system is much less complex than ours and more susceptible to irritants.


If you can still smell the paint, the enclosure isn’t safe yet, as the fumes from Rust-Oleum’s paint and primer may contain VOCs that can harm your bearded dragon’s sensitive respiratory system. Let the enclosure cure in a well-ventilated area for at least 7-14 days, or until there’s no trace of odor. Sunlight can help speed up the off-gassing process, but curing time depends on conditions like temperature and humidity. In the future, opt for reptile-safe or zero-VOC paints and sealants to avoid this issue. Ensure the enclosure is completely odor-free before using it.

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