Our new Beardie is not eating !!! Help

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Okay let me try to get this in one shot ! shes 2 months old about 5 to 6 inches long ..
we just got her yesterday
we are using 100 watt basking repti lamp and a repti uv
Basking area is at 101 degrees and cool area 85 degrees

She seemed fine yesterday and today she will not eat!!
i tried super worms and mustard greens both what the breeder was feeding her..
She seems very skittish when i walk in the room and was hiding so i turned the rock over so she could not hide under it..
i also tried hand feeding
lights on at 7am and off at 9pm
could this be from new environment

Thank you in advance



Hatchling Member
hi im feeling your pain ..... its relocation stress we have had yoshi for 3 wks now and the first day we got him he ate 4 crickets excellent we thought. nect day nothing next day nothing next day in despair so gave him so wax worms...next day nothing 5 days he went with just 4 wax worms( they are high in fat and only meant for a treat). 1 wk later we tried locusts he ate 3 excellent then the nxt day nothing. we tried watercress cucumber nothing. but we were confused as he ate the wax worms when we gave them to him.

any way last tue we ordered and got some repti worms or calci grubs and he has been eating everyday since not as much as we would like but we are getting there, and he loves butternut squash. so my advise would be persistant not so you stress her out but keep trying everyday or try different foods. also give her a bath every fews days or trickle some water on her snout to make sures he is hydrated. and always come on here for help because i wouldnt know what i do without this place. try not to handle her too much in first few wks i just kept going up to the cage and calling yoshi and let her have a hiding spot as then when yoshi has had enough he will either close his eyes and re open them or go under his log... try to keep discruption to a minuimium, now i can move things around and hes ok he stays where he is

people would give you more advise but this is my own personal experience temps sound ok what uvb have you got as we had a repti glo and was not recommended so changed it to repti sun

good luck


Original Poster
Thank you i believe we do have a repti sun and i defiantly will follow your advice. Looks like ill be taking a trip to the local reptile store today to pick up some other options of food for her !

Thank you !


Sorry to hijack your thread, but louby13, you're from Ipswich. I'm from Colchester :D :wave:

I am also having trouble getting Charlie to eat veg.


Hatchling Member
lol oh wow what a small world least u got a vet near u ..... lol persistance is the key yoshi loves his butternut squash have you tried him on that i read in my beadie bk that they only see red and yellows and as the sqaush is a mixure of the colours may be why he likes it !!!!

how did u go with the crickets


Hatchling Member
no keep trying every day just be patient and also they will learn that you are there to look after them and fed them and its such a nice feeling...we went away at the weekend and my friend went into feed him and he wouldnt eat and i was like oh great here we go again, i got in the door and fed him and he ate straight away... i was a proud mamma lol


Original Poster
a little update on Charlotte(charlie) soon to be determined !! still not interested in live food ... munching here and there on greens .. today i read to mix the calcium powder in water and drip some on her nose.. I did and she loved it she was slurping water right from our finger tips! I feel much better today and i also went and picked up some small criks i think the ones the local reptile store gave me are just to big... So all we can do is try again tomorrow !!
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