Okay let me try to get this in one shot ! shes 2 months old about 5 to 6 inches long ..
we just got her yesterday
we are using 100 watt basking repti lamp and a repti uv
Basking area is at 101 degrees and cool area 85 degrees
She seemed fine yesterday and today she will not eat!!
i tried super worms and mustard greens both what the breeder was feeding her..
She seems very skittish when i walk in the room and was hiding so i turned the rock over so she could not hide under it..
i also tried hand feeding
lights on at 7am and off at 9pm
could this be from new environment
Thank you in advance
we just got her yesterday
we are using 100 watt basking repti lamp and a repti uv
Basking area is at 101 degrees and cool area 85 degrees

She seemed fine yesterday and today she will not eat!!
i tried super worms and mustard greens both what the breeder was feeding her..
She seems very skittish when i walk in the room and was hiding so i turned the rock over so she could not hide under it..
i also tried hand feeding
lights on at 7am and off at 9pm
could this be from new environment
Thank you in advance