I find all kind of bearded dragon or generally reptile colors stunning, in their own way (that's my honest opinion, not just some kind of politeness). I like very much the colors and structures of stones, of other natural things (the beardie skin like in my picture 4 always reminds me of sea urchin shells, when the sea urchin spikes came off), I like fractal patterns, and that's found in all of them and I like that a looot
I remember that Taco changed color a lot during the almost one year since he's here (I picked him up August 21 last year, saw him the first time a week before). He was chocolate brown (like a very dark chocolate, like the 99% chocolate I love) with some grey stripes on his back as his "typical color", not a trace of orange, but overall a quite "cold" coloration - a color I found unexpected (I visited the reptile store a few times before, also for asking whether they have beardies, and those babies I saw had a lighter color), I had expected more some ochre colors or orangeish, but totally fine, also a fun pattern
I was not knowing, by that time, how much they can change color over time - a bit, okay, but that much?
I love that face shape
I've seen some have it (photos here, as well as a bearded dragon belonging to a person working in the reptile store here looks like that), and it seems to be related partially to age, partially to gender.
We don't have such curtains, but I would be sure mine would also try. Last weekend he tried getting up the bookshelf.