I'm with Sivuh on this one. I'm a pro with a set of long tweezers and in the few months that I've had my dubias, I have yet to pick one up! Don't plan to. I must say however, that I have gotten more used to them and am not so creeped out by the look of the big ones, but, I'm still not grabbing a handful! (NOT GONNA HAPPEN LANCE!! LOL)
Ian, your a riot! To think, a bug guy afraid of a big, hairy spider! :shock: LMAO!!! I'm not picking up one of those either, not even after a couple of drinks!
Bugsy, you'll get used to how creepy they look. And really, starting a colony is going to save you a huge amount of money on feeders, not to mention that they are the most nutritious feeder for you dragon. My hubby said much the same thing. In fact when we got the first batch and he saw one of the adults for the first time he was like "HELL NO! Thats a F!#%$#@ giant cockroach! If one of those escapes, the whole batch is gone!" Not a single escapee, and it took him all of a day before he was picking them up and hand feeding them to our dragon. He was really impressed by how much our big boy Assassin loved them. We now have a colony of about 800!