OMG can this get any more worst....

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Hatchling Member
We started off getting a reptisun 5.0, it ended up being a rept"a"sun 5.0 our fault for not paying attention...I called around everywhere looking for a store that sold 36" Reptisuns 5 or 10 becuase its seems like no one sells them anymore! About an hour away petco had one 36" Reptisun 5.0 left, $9.00 clearance. When I finally got there (I got lost of course), I found the light and asked for them to test it...they say "sure". I follow the guy, he grabs a light fixture, takes out the blub and says "Oh, we dont have a 36" fixture to test this", so I ask him if it doesnt work will I be able to bring it back since it was on clearance? He told me yes, I even asked the cashier and she agreed. So I bring it home, take it out of the rept"i"sun box and I end up staring at a Repti"GLO" 8.0 Blub....WTF.... :evil:

Will a Reptiglo 8.0 work or is it crap?

vickson420 Addict
Retired Moderator
Reptiglo LINEAR 8.0 is just fine.We dont recommend them alot around here simply because they are very difficult to find since they were discontinued HOWEVER I would return it because chances are pretty good that someone bought the reptisun 5.0 that was originally in that box and then put their OLD useless bulb in the box and returned it.Unless you can say for certain that its a brand new bulb then its probably not a good idea.Sorry :(


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
I already returned it for that same reason, I didnt want to chance it.

Gah...So hopefully we can also return this dumb reptasun bulb POS...Dumb me ripped up the box now I have to tape it together. :cry:


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
I just found the recite for the ReptaSun 5 and it says "Store Credit Only! No cash refunds. Only defected and/or unopened products will receive full Store Credit."

Why did I have to rip the box up into 8 peieces? :banghead: LMAO, hopefully the owner will understand, we do buy from him every week. >.< :roll:

We are going to get a ReptiSun 10; it’s a better one anyways. This time I’m taking the bulb out to make sure it IS the right one.


Hatchling Member
you could always order one online.
and in the mean time, why its being shipped, take your beardie outside as much as possible.

they can go without a uvb bulb/flourescent for a few days, but taking them outside will help.


Hatchling Member
yeahh thats a pretty good price, those things usually run like 50 dollars in pet stores..
so its so much cheaper just to order them online.

but man you've gone through a lot of lights just trying to find the right one!


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Haha, it’s just the 36" ones that are hard to find around here. Petsmart only sells ReptiSun brand online, and Petco is getting rid of all there 36" + ReptiSuns and won’t be selling them anymore. :?

Oh man and the basking bulb, lol...We had to make like 3 trips to Lowes. Halogen/flood blubs create so much more heat than we expected. We ended up getting a 35w that got our temps to 113F.

Today we are going to try to exchange the Rept"a"Sun for the Rept"i"Sun 10 and just pay the differance.


Hatchling Member
i didnt even know there was a brand called rep"a"sun!
haha thats hilarious.
man! only a 35 watt! thats crazy, i have like every watt in zoo med basking spot lamp, so basically i will like never run out.
haha, but i dont even use them.
i have mercury vapor bulbs for my beardies...

i think out of everything, those things work the best. their color is just bright 24/7
but i mean you have to have a llittle bit taller of viv's to have them.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Yeah I know! Thats what got me...stupid "a". We were in a hurry too so we didnt think to double check and I didnt think there was a brand out there that was so similar in spelling. :roll: Now I know better. >.< Im gonna start taking the bulbs out of the boxes now too, to make sure they are the correct ones.

Our viv is 20" tall. We thought about using the 100w Mega Ray but after seeing hot how it got with just the 100w Halogen bulb we knew it wouldnt work out.


Hatchling Member
no no no, i have a 40 gallon breeder thats only 16 tall.
my basking spot is maybe only 4-5 inches off the ground. making it about 12 inches from the light.
i have a 100 watt sunforce from
my temps are only about 110 degrees, at most, at like the hottest time of the day.

and the weather here is like maybe 70 degrees during the day, so not that cold.

you'd probably do fine... haha but it would be a pain in the butt having to buy more lights.
its just something to consider in 6 months when the reptisun runs out.
plus! MVB's last like an entire year.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster

I'll keep that in mind. Yeah maybe next time we have to replace lights. :D


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
They wouldn't take thebulb we are just gonna try craigslist, hopefully someone will need it. :banghead:
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Does this look like a healthy beardie
LarryTheLizard wrote on ForLeonard!'s profile.
Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?
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