Omega Ridley! New Beginnings!

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Is Noodle something I can put in a bowl and laugh at? No she is just a sweet bearded dragon that I instantly have fallen in love with. MY story of how I got to Noodle is a long one but I'll try to make it short just for pictures! Anyway most of you know how I first got introduced in to beardies. And for those who don't I'll tell you my happy tale, so sit around my campfire kids and roast some marshmallows its Story Time!

I first encountered bearded dragons when I went to my first Repticon back in 2006 with my step dad, my friend's dad, my friend, and me. While I was there looking at all the cool animals I noticed upon a type of lizard. What got me about this lizard was it had SPIKES!. I was instantly confused, Are the spikes pokey and do they hurt? Are they more for show than dangerous? Are they both for show and dangerous? I just kept looking at the lizard in utter aw. Well it was time to go and before we left I found out the name of the lizard was a bearded dragon. And after that all I did for years was look on the computer at them, watch videos of them, read books about them, and dreamed about them! Anyway fast forward to today and I finally have a place I can call home for my future bearded dragon and myself for now. :lol:

Now here is the story about how Noodle came to become mine. After knowing for sometime that I was going to move to my mom's house. I started talking her into a bearded dragon. At first she kept saying NO! but with much persistent I budged her a little to say that she will think about it. Well one day I was browsing the For Free section of this forum for fun like I normally do. And I saw a post where a lady, Michele, was looking for a good home for her 2 year old baby, Noodle. I instantly posted because she said she was located in Atlanta and with me moving to Woodstock she was only a 30 minute drive. Me and her started transferring emails about Noodle. Michele told me all about Noodle and I knew I wanted her. We talked on the phone and decided that the 13 of April I could come visit Noodle. (Wish I got pictures of my visit but my phone was dead :( ) Anyway I told her about my situation of moving because school was almost over for me and about me moving campuses. She told me that if I was really serious into taking Noodle she would give me her entire setup and hold Noodle until May when I decide a good date after I move to come and get her. My mom was surprised about her giving me Noodle's setup because I'm not gonna lie I was too she told me they spend $200 on her tank and all she wanted was for Noodle to go to a good home so she was willing to give me everything.

Well thats my and Noodle's story. IT has only began but we have a huge journey ahead of us. For now Pictures!





Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Hey guys I'm sorry I haven't been on much to update you with anything. I didn't expect that school would make my schedule more busier than it already was. I knew school was going to make me miss doing a lot of stuff but I didn't expect me not to have much time to even come on here and check out how everyone is doing. If possible I'm going to really try and update you guys at least 2-3x a week. Ridley is still doing good she still is a lazy bugger :roll: but I love the time I get to spend with her when I'm home even if its not long.


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Hey guys so I found this awesome aluminum ben at Kroger and I'm using it as her bath tub so here are some pictures of her bath




Burrito Beardie!



Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
She is very calm. My mom sometimes thinks she is too calm :lol: I re arranged her viv sort of and cleaned it right now she is taking a nap on her branch I'll upload pics of her viv soon.


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
SO hey guys how is everyone? Ridley and me are doing good she's being fine and loveable. Quick question when do beardies start to brumate? I notice for the past couple of days Ridley is hiding in her log hide and not coming out. I have had to get her out and make her bask because she ate a few days ago but hasn't pooped yet. Well if she is brumating I don't want her to still have food in her stomach. So it might be time for pumpkin.

zandi202 Addict
Beardies can brunate any time of year. Though I haven't been through it myself, it sounds like she might be prepping for the brumate. Yeah, you'll want her to poop so she doesn't have food rotting in her stomach.

My babies are doing well - posted quite a few pictures yesterday and Jace had his vet appointment yesterday as well.


Gray-bearded Member
Original Poster
Ok cool thanks Liz I need to check your thread out I am missing stuff D: anyway I still have 2 tests for Calculus and World Civilization. Also a lab for Computer Science and 2 assignments for World Lit

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Yep, it's that time of year, sounds like she's doing the same thing Leo is doing, going into her hide but not sleeping. I pull him out every am to make sure he gets lots of sunshine, he eats a bit, so won't let him sleep, but can't prevent him being in his hide when I'm not home. So on weekends, he's out more than during the week. If she's like that and you get a last poop out of her (and yes, try the pumpkin) you can let her hide all she wants, just make sure she gets lots of water. And if she does sleep more than a week, make sure she gets water, either by syringe, or give her a good 20 min soak, otherwise she can get dehydrated. There's a really good care sheet on brumation on here, I read it every winter, just to get back up to speed.

Everyone here but Titan is fine. Titan has a skin infection, I give him injections every 3 days, then he gets Betadine on the spots every day, plus an antibiotic gel all over his head & left side of his face, plus left side, plus Nolvadent in his mouth as he's growing another abcess. Poor guy, never a break for him. We're back to the vet on the 21st, hopefully all these medications are doing their jobs.

Rubio has mouth rot now, so he's not allowed to sleep until it's gone. Nolvadent again on qtips & his gums get swabbed every am, you can just imagine how he hates that! But he know's I'm the boss :lol: Still tries to pick me, thrashes around & is just a brat every morning, then he calms down and sucks the peppermint tasting Nolvadent off of the qtips :lol: Never a dull moment at my place :lol:

Glad you're doing well in school Matt!


Sub-Adult Member
I think sometimes it it might take a bit for their bodies to slow down enough to fully brumate... I had about a month of Brick being Mr. Indecisive last year before he finally slept. His eating slowed down, his little beardie brain slowed down, but the lizard himself just wasn't quiiiiiiite ready to pass out yet, lol.
But once he was ready, nothing would stop him! I came home from work one day to find him sleeping behind his hide on the cool side... even though the lights were still on. I wish I could just sleep for 3mo at a time! haha. :p
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Mirage is feeling sPiCy
Does this look like a healthy beardie
LarryTheLizard wrote on ForLeonard!'s profile.
Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?

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