Now Introducing: Zero!! PICTURES!! 9/29

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Today March 29, 2013 marks the day my little home became a little more full and my heart became exponentially more happy. Today I brought home my Zero and I couldn't be happier. I love him for his colors and because he was the only one glass dancing at PetSmart, he instantly fell asleep in my hand, didn't want to be put down, but then pancaked asleep as soon as I let him go. It was love at first laugh with this baby and I'm so excited. When I put him in his viv he again didn't want to be let go. Whether boy or girl, Zero is gonna be so attached to mommy, I can already tell. :)

Asleep on his basking rock


I love my little Zero and I'm sure this will be a happy life for the both of us :)


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Honestly, I'd rather have that than "I think I can fly"... he just jumped off my shoulder again and slid on the hardwood floor... -_- oi


Sub-Adult Member
Spoony":dp4it405 said:
Honestly, I'd rather have that than "I think I can fly"... he just jumped off my shoulder again and slid on the hardwood floor... -_- oi

bows did that when he was a baby too. they grow out of it. he used to be super mean too from me having to force feed him meds and now he's a cuddle bug. :) it'll get better!


Gray-bearded Member
Oh good, I'm not the only one with a flying Dragon...Baron jumps so often and then gets so mad at us when we go to pick him back up.


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Haha gamer dragons are the best, flying dragons are heart attacks, and having to force feed is annoying... I wish I could just leave him Dubia in a dish and just be done with it :/

At least I live 10 minutes from work so it's easy to go home, feed him, and go back on my lunch break.


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
I use my iPhone and upload straight to YouTube and then link it from there :)

And I love my little Zero <3


Hatchling Member
Hey Spoony! Just wanted to pop in and see how little man is doing? Better hopefully! I love that hes helping mommy play video games! He's like " no no no mom this is how its done!" :lol: I cant let my monsters run around while I play xbox because my puppy thinks that they are live toys lol and to think I was worried that the cat would be chasing them :roll: he just looks at them in confusion as to what they are :mrgreen:
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