I do believe it's unpasteurized, it does say it's raw and it helped a lot with her nose when she ripped that scale off. It's still pretty sensitive, i picked up her tail last night and the tip of it wiggled like a dead snake and she doesn't like anyone touching it. But it doesn't seem to bother her terribly much, she's still pretty active.
And she is *starving* to death and I don't know why BUT, she'd rather go for the yellow tweezers. (Mind you, ive been using yellow tweezers for bugs for two years now) I gave mealworm to my daughters hamster and Nova just lost it, started glass surfing so I got her out and put her on the bed and she raced up the bed first to the mealworm container, and then she saw the tweezers. (Her favorite are mealworm and the beetles they turn into
) and maaaaan, she was hunting me down, following me and jumping for the tweezers. So I put them both on my night table and this fatty was going to jump from my edge of the bed to the damn night table to get the tweezers.
I dont get it. She ate like a normal baby lizard, would eat anything she could get her little teefies on but once she hit about one, she refused virtually everything. For a long time. Like, she went months with *very little* food, like just a few bugs in a two weeks time span. And then, the first time she was gravid, she wanted to eat. Not much, but a couple more than usual, but she absorbed the eggs and just wasn't really interested in them, outside of like four superworms every few weeks or a horn/mealworm. And *then*, she became gravid this time, a few months ago. She literally woke up and is acting like the hunger she should have felt over the last year is piling up on her now and she just wants to eat just about anything and everything, non food items included. When she couldn't get the tweezers, she tried to eat a stray peanut from the snickers bar i ate.
But I can't get a straight answer as to why she's suddenly so so hungry, it's a complete and 100% personality change. I just get told that they don't know and that she was gravid, but she's not gravid anymore so.?¿
Here's a photo of Toofy with a hairbow over his head and looking just so delighted about it.