Not Sure what to do...

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So after a couple days of bathing, neosporin and some plain old TLC... my beardy seems to be feeling better. Lilly (as we call her) has shed off all the dead skin from under her chin, nose, and head... along with a full body shed that went really well. She hasn't been eating all that much but veggies never were her favorites...and she hasn't pooped... even in the baths... :( but i am sure after i give her some live crickets she will (normally does after a good feeding).
She has been letting me hold her, medicate her and just be with her without hissing or biting at me... which is amazing since she has done so since she was about 6 months old (she is now almost 2), She will sit on my chest as long as i put a hand on her for hours... and even fights going back in her cage. :D

So with her health looking up... My next question is... Will the spines that she has lost on her head grow back? she has lost a few more in the sheds, but without any open sores. The sore that she has is healing nicely and is kept clean and medicated with neosporin.

diamc Sicko
Staff member
I'm glad she got rid of the rest of that nasty shed. Sounds like she feels better and is enjoying being held. I'm sure she's enjoying all the attention and realize that the baths have helped her so much. Since she is already improving, making sure she has accurate temps and a good UVB light would help her recovery even more. Could you give us the specifics of your thermometer? Any type of stick-on can be off by as much as 20 degrees. There are also some dangerous UVB's, could you let us know if yours is a coil, compact or strip fluorescent bulb? If it's a fluorescent, the brand & other info will be printed right on the side of the bulb.

Unfortunately, the spikes will not grow back and she will probably have a scar where the layers of skin came off, it will never look like the other side and will always be thinner. That's good that you are keeping it clean and continuing to use the Neosporin.


Original Poster
My UVB bulb is a flourescent Zoomed. and I unfortunately use a stick on thermometer... so I will get her a new one very soon.

Any ideas on the lack of poop?

diamc Sicko
Staff member
Good to hear that it is a Zoomed bulb, Repti-Sun fluorescent then. Did you happen to notice what % it is, like 2.0, 5.0, 10.0? Wanted to mention that the fluorescent bulbs need changing about every 5 to 6 mo as that's when they decline. That's good that you will get an accurate thermometer very soon.

To help with the pooping, you could hold her in the palm of your hand and with the other hand, massage gently on the right side from armpit to vent. If you feel any hardened areas, massage gently in a circular motion trying to move it closer to the vent so she can pass it. What was her pooping schedule like before? Another thing you could do is increase the liquids you offer her by mouth using a plastic medicine dropper and putting drops on her nose for her to lick off. You can use 100% juices (no sugar added) and dilute using 4 parts water to 1 part juice. You can give cherry, grape, cranberry or apple. Something else that works very well is very warm babyfood applesauce, dilute with just a little liquid to thin it, use the plastic medicine dropper and offer it to her while she is in her bath. Most of the time it works quite quickly and you could even add a drop of vegetable oil to her nose for her to lick too. Let us know how it goes.

How often does she get calcium & vitamins as those are important too.
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