Not Sure what to do...

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For the last few months, my husband and I have noticed that when our beardy has been shedding, (which she does almost twice a month) that some of the skin hasn't been coming off under her chin, (wherethe line of big spines are). I went to Pet Co and they suggested that I use a spray on shed aid. I have been spraying her once a day for a few days now. Tonight I put on my leather glove (as she deosn't like getting sprayed and tends to bite and where I am pregnant....)and she rubbed her chin on the glove. When she did a large chuck of skin came off and what was under it scared me. I am not sure if it is an abcess or just skin irritation but the spines that are supposed to be there ( from looking at the other side of her) aren't there anymore. Is there something i can put on it? Take her to the vet? help.


Sub-Adult Member
You should send a private message to Tracy at Drache613 right away. She may have some insight as to what is going on. Regardless of what she says, I'm sure she will recommend getting to a vet asap so that infection doesn't set in.

Not to change the subject, but is your screen name your name? My best friend in middle school was named Arwen and you don't see it very often. Just curious. Good luck with your dragon, poor baby. I've heard they could have problems when shedding but I never imagined anything this bad. Ironically, last time Vyllyn shed, it was extremely difficult to get the shed off his beard spikes, especially the big ones. I sprayed him and stroked him with a soft toothbrush daily where it didn't come off and luckily all is well. Take care, Cheryl

diamc Sicko
Staff member
Oh my gosh, that looks terrible, I would say that a vet visit is eminent and right away. In the meantime, you could soak her in a diluted Betadine bath making the color look like weak tea. Have you been bathing her to keep her hydrated? Her skin looks very dried out and her eye looks like she is dehydrated. It also looks like there is another area below his chin that looks awful too, looks necrotic. To help you find a reptile vet, could you tell us where you live?

I discussed this area with another mod and we both agree that it looks like an abscess. I would get her a vet appt tomorrow. If you are using any type of loose substrate, I would suggest you remove it right away and even replace with paper towels for now. You don't want anything to get stuck on that open area which could cause an infection if there isn't one already.

Could you fill us in on the UVB light you're using, what is the brand, % of output, is it a compact, coil, strip fluorescent or mercury vapor bulb? What are the tank temps and what type of thermometer are you using to check them? What size tank is she in and what wattage basking bulb are you using, is it a white or colored bulb? Is she housed alone? Does she like baths and being held? How long have you had her?

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Please take your dragon to the vet. That is most likely an abscess. Do not pick at the area, as that will make it worse.
We do need to know about your tank setup such as your lighting & temps, so please answer Diane's questions. Thanks.
As suggested, if you have any particle substrate, please take it out & put her on paper towels so dirt & debris doesn't get on the affected areas. She probably already does have an infection brewing.
She looks very dehydrated as well, which is one reason why she is having trouble shedding too.
She is most likely trying to bite because she doesn't feel well & or her setup is not correct. We need to review your husbandry.


vickson420 Addict
Retired Moderator
I agree she is going to need a vet as that infection cant be healed with home care.The biting is definately a sign she is in pain.There is a chance she can get well again but she really needs help with the vet.Pleas do answer those questions so we can help with her recovery.Good husbandry will be key for her recovery.


Original Poster
Thank you for the responses.... I have taken her to a vet and am carefully following his directions. Thanks all.


Juvie Member
Could you please tell us what the vet said so we can all learn from your experience? Hope your beardie is doing better.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Great you got her to a vet. However, she got that way somehow, & we need to know what your tank setup is.
None of us here have ever seen a shed go that badly, so we would like to learn what is going on & what steps the vet told you to take in order to help her.


diamc Sicko
Staff member
That's good that you took her to the vet. Was it a reptile vet and was he/she near your home? Do you live in an area that is warm so that you would be able to take her outside for some natural sunlight? We are all very concerned about her and curious to know what the vet recommended. Did he say what caused it and how you can help the rest of the shed to come off easier? Did her give her antibiotics or any injections? This is a learning experience for all of us, want to prevent this from happening to another. So, if you could fill us in on her tank setup regarding lights, etc, it could very well help others that have some worries about their beardies' sheds. To help with her recovery, sharing the details of her setup would fill us in so that we can share some of our expertise with you and her. We hope she can get better soon.


Original Poster
Believe it or not, what we saw in the picture is actually not abcessed... because the dead skin was attatched so long to her face, when it came off it took her skin with it.... so painful. I am to bathe her twice a week and use a soft toothbrush on the remaining dead skin. she should heal up fine. THe picture i took was minutes after the dead skin came off so it was inflammed and swollen. Also I need to give her more veggies and less meat and dry foods... they don't really give her any water... I was using mostly pellet food and crickets.

My fault was not knowing to bathe her... never occured to me and everything I read never said anything about it. My set up is simple... I have a basking heat lamp, a UVB and a UVA light. a watering dish and I use walnut shell substrate...(Not as dusty as the others) I have logs for her to climb on and some greenery. I will be purchasing her a larger tank though in the very near future.

Also I have a vet in massachusetts in Leominster.

Hope this helps everyone.

vickson420 Addict
Retired Moderator
Well I am glad the vet says she will heal.How old is your uvb?hat is the brand type please be specific on this.One big change you need to make is the substrate, in a healthy beardie walnut shell is seriusly harmful because of bacteria and impaction risk but with her skin exposed its a recipe for disaster.That substrtae believ it or not is quite sharp and again full of bacteria.I recommend you switch over to a solid substrate ASAP like papertowels,repticarpet,nonadhesive shelf liner or ceramic tile.Partical substrate isnt really recommend by most of us for any beardie but its very improtant in this case that it be changed.Also what are her temps/humidity and how are you measuring them?As for veggie,yes if she is an adult she should be on an 80% veggie and 20%live feeder protien diet.Here is a good link to acceptable veggies:
Did he put her on meds?


Original Poster
I am not sure about what brand i bought of the UVB light... got it at Petco about 3 months ago. Her Temps are good about 80 on the cold side and about 95 on the warm. Her log brings her about 6 inches from the backing light. the Humidity is about 60. Currently the substrate that I have been using has been removed and replaced with Paper Towels untill she is fully healed.

What do you all suggest for a substrate... I believe that sand isn't good as they can ingest it and cause blockages...(Lost a leopard geko that way).

vickson420 Addict
Retired Moderator
arwen":9457c said:
I am not sure about what brand i bought of the UVB light... got it at Petco about 3 months ago. Her Temps are good about 80 on the cold side and about 95 on the warm. Her log brings her about 6 inches from the backing light. the Humidity is about 60. Currently the substrate that I have been using has been removed and replaced with Paper Towels untill she is fully healed.

What do you all suggest for a substrate... I believe that sand isn't good as they can ingest it and cause blockages...(Lost a leopard geko that way).
Ok on the temps its important how and where you are taking them.What you need is a digital probe thermometer,the stick on or dials do not work.Your ideal temps are cool air temp of 75F-80F but no higher and you want a basking SURFACE temp of 95F-105F.To get that basking temp you must lay a probe directly on the basking surface.The humidity you gave me is high,for a beardie you really dont want humidity going past 40%.Great that you replaced the substrate.All of the ones I gave are acceptable I personally use 1/2 tile and 1/2 non adhesive shelf liner in mine.Its very easy to maintain and rules out impaction and bacteria issues.On to the uvb this is kind of important especially in her compromised condition,you can look righ ton the bulb and see the brand and %.Is it a long tube or is it a coil or compact bulb?

diamc Sicko
Staff member
That's good that you took her to be checked. The vet must have mentioned to give her a Betadine bath as that will help with the pain & swelling, just pour enough in to make it look like weak tea. Bathing her in that daily would make a big difference and help make her a little more comfortable. We have recommended that a lot for open sores but of course, you have to make sure that she has a bath in just water first in case she wants to get a drink, wouldn't want her to drink any Betadine. Did the vet give her an antibiotic or mention using Neosporin antibiotic ointment after blotting the area when she is done with the bath? The Neosporin is very helpful too. Giving her drinks of water or diluted Pedialtye (4 parts water to 1 part Pedialyte) will help rehydrate her faster & raise the electrolytes in her system. I would be very careful with the toothbrush, wouldn't want anymore chunks to come off and be sure not to rub too hard or pull on any of the skin or that will cause more raw, open areas. When you do the bath, be sure to put a washcloth or dishtowel down in the container or sink to help her feel more secure so she doesn't slide around. Test the water temp by the inside of your wrist like you would for a baby, warm but not hot. I'll bet she'll like the baths & the extra attention. Does she like being held?

Please let us know the type of UVB you're using as some are very dangerous. And, getting an accurate thermometer is a necessity because if temps are actually too high, it can cause rapid dehydration & even stroke. The website link for the greens that Vicky gave you will be a big help to you and I'll bet she'll find some of the staple greens that she really likes.

She has been through so much, sure hope that area can clear up without a bad infection brewing. Do you have to take her back to the vet for a re-check? Please keep us updated on her, she looks like a real sweetie with a very sad looking eye. :( It's SO easy to get attached to these wonderful creatures.


Juvie Member
Thanks for the update on your beardie. She/he has won our hearts already. Hope she is on the way to recovery.
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