Sadly, I took my leopard gecko to the vet because he had a strange growth in his mouth that prevented him from properly shedding, and for a few months I made sure he would shed his face well but his eyes started getting cloudy, then soon he was unable to open them... and he also had a tumor on his back side. he was unable to eat or drink so I took him to a vet to have him put to sleep because I didnt want him to starve to death. He was 13 years old. I feel horrible because leo's are supposed to live long. He was a rescue off craigslist, I got him a few years ago. So I tried my best. I am happy he isnt in pain anymore and passed with dignity and less pain and issues. I was there when we put him down and he was fine, he didnt struggle or thrash or anything and the vet was very gentle and made sure he was asleep before he gave him the stuff. I am also happy because now I have a huge tank ready for the next rescue leo! I just feel like I failed him but next time around I wont!!!