- Beardie name(s)
- Fiona
Bearded dragon hasn’t pooped in ~4 weeks. She's trying to brumate, I've slowed down her feeding, I'm hoping that's the only reason. and I was trying to get a good poo out of her before she went to sleep. She never fully sleeps in brumation time of year, she just kind of hangs out in her hide all day during that time of year.
Some additional info, if helpful.
Age: 3 years
Tank: 120 gallons
Bearded dragon hasn’t pooped in ~4 weeks. She's trying to brumate, I've slowed down her feeding, I'm hoping that's the only reason. and I was trying to get a good poo out of her before she went to sleep. She never fully sleeps in brumation time of year, she just kind of hangs out in her hide all day during that time of year.
- Lazy but no signs of discomfort (no black beard, normal movement).
- Eats if offered but less frequently, as expected this time of year for her.
- Alert in her hide, holds head up and looks around.
- Normal: Every 1–2 weeks, firm and healthy.
- Recent: Urates hard, possibly from excess calcium; diarrhea-like before brumation. Parasite tests were negative.
- Warm baths with tummy massages 2x/week.
- Considering pumpkin, applesauce, or olive oil for assistance.
Some additional info, if helpful.
Age: 3 years
Tank: 120 gallons
- 8 AM–8 PM schedule
- Two T8 ReptiSun 10.0 UVB (24", 17W) bulbs, no screen
- 150W heat lamp + optional 50W heat lamp on cool side in colder seasons
- Basking: 95–100°F (prefers 95°F), cool side: 78–81°F
- Humidity: ~35%, up to 42% at night
- 4–6 crickets, 3–4x/week; daily collards
- Treats (blueberries, hornworms) every few weeks
- Calcium 4x/week, multivitamin 1x/week