I see that there are alerts in your alerts list (bell on upper right). Is it that you’re not getting some? Or not getting any? What I did notice is that for some reason, you did not have a watch set on this specific thread. If you don’t have a watch on a thread you create you won’t get notified. I do see that you’re set for alerts only and not email, tho, which I think you intended. I left the settings as is, except to add the watch on this thread.
You seem to be set to get alerts, and emails… I also saw alerts in your list that were recent, and emails that have regularly been sent to you. Is there something more specific that is not going out?
The only thing I can think is that the disk space on the server was filling up a little (not critical, but enough to cause errors for one of the components). It’s possible that component is used for alarms, although, I thought it was only part of the search interface. I’m compressing logs and making room on the server now. That has actually been going on for about a week now (around Aug 29).