New vivs set up and just put rankins in

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That's a nice looking viv! Just a quick warning about the kind of thermometer you're using though - they have been known to be as much as 20 degrees off. The most reliable kinds are digital probes, which have to be left for 45 mins to get a reading, or temp guns which are a little more expensive but can get an instant reading by pointing it at the place you want your temperature to be taken.


Only want the best for your little guys :wink:

I know americans get them from Walmart for something like $12 but iv never actually seen them here in England. I've seen the kind that are used for cooking (i think they're for putting inside cooked meat to see if they're fully cooked in the middle?) but not exactly sure if that's the same thing... if you're finding it hard to find one it might be worth PM'ing a user who lives in england or searching/posting a question in the enclosures thread. Good luck searching! :D
Generally it's a good idea to separate beardies, even babies, since they will give each other bad bites, etc. Beautiful viv, though!

What's wrong with the one with the bad back? MBD?


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saintgeorge":b8ce9 said:
Generally it's a good idea to separate beardies, even babies, since they will give each other bad bites, etc. Beautiful viv, though!

What's wrong with the one with the bad back? MBD?

from what i have heard (and note its just what i have heard i have never kept rankins) but the rankin dragon is supposedly more of a social animal and can be kept in groups.
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