New User Image Upload Feature!!

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beardie Sicko
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Cailyth, Pinky, & Brain
Goonie":3fa1vjq9 said:
Is there a limit as to how many photos we can upload with the new tool? What I mean is, would it eventually tell us that we can't upload new photos unless we delete some? Or would the system auto-delete old ones for us?
No limit currently. If I get to a point where space becomes an issue, then I'll figure something out.

beardie Sicko
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krjake":mu4etgi6 said:
The images I upload are right side up in my computer when I preview them before uploading, and then upside down when uploaded. I don't see a way to rotate them. I made a copy on my computer and rotated the image upside down, but it stayed upside down when uploaded. Has anyone else had this problem?

I have seen this. I believe there's some flaw in the functions I'm using to resize/convert the images for use on the site. I'll need to add this to a bug list to resolve. Even if I can't fix the issue up front (i.e. a real bug in someone else's code), then I will look to provide "rotate" buttons.

I am glad that you discovered the workaround. What format were you originally uploading, btw? That may help me figure out how to fix the root problem later on.

Sorry for the inconvenience for now, though.




And thanks by the way for creating this - it made uploading much easier. The original picture was in jpg format and I saved them to .jpeg.



Hatchling Member
I had no problems yesterday but today it started turning my image 90degrees to the left. I was snapping pics with my iphone then choosing 'existing image' to upload. The work around I found was to open the image on my phone, flip it 360 degrees and then save it. I think I cropped it too. Then upload and it came out correct.

The other option was to email the iphone photo to myself. Open it on the laptop. 'Save as' JPEG file in correct orientation and then upload that.

Hope that info helps you with the 'bug'
PS - this is sooo much better than using photo bucket. Will we be able to upload videos?


Gray-bearded Member
OK I tried to upload a picture. It looked like it was uploading and read 100% but kept sitting there spinning at 100% and would not finish up. What am I doing wrong?

Sandy H

beardie Sicko
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Cailyth, Pinky, & Brain
Hmmm... that's strange. I'm not sure why that would be. Have you tried refreshing the page and trying again?


Gray-bearded Member
Grrr, same problem. The bar says 100%, but the circle keeps spinning. It does not show in the image fole. I checked my files and it it is only 5.5mb, so it isn't too big. :?

beardie Sicko
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Cailyth, Pinky, & Brain
Hmmm... I'll test when I get a chance (tonight or tomorrow). This is strange. Usually during that time, it is converting the image. But if it spins forever, I think the image conversion failed, and so the spinning 100% never gets updated that it is complete. When I was first developing it, I'd seen this behavior, but it was an actual coding bug at the time. The good thing is, if this is a failure like that, logs on the server should indicate the specific issue (makes it much easier to identify and fix).

Sorry for the inconvenience. Most likely, there's something about the file format, or perhaps something weird going on with the ability to "save" the file to the hard drive on the server.

Goonie Sicko
Retired Moderator
protiemama":w38mrr5o said:
Yes, is there something wrong with that?
Internet Explorer had been more and more unreliable when it comes to completing tasks and refreshing pages, especially if you're dealing with image uploading.

It used to time me out whenever I would upload photos to Photobucket, and some would fail in the process.

Try Firefox or Google Chrome.
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