Saharan/Nigerian same thing, different names.
He is definitely not an adult, but I am not good at guesstimating Uro ages based on size like I am with dragons. I don't think he looks too skinny at all personally. Uros can be a bit more wrinkly, but they can be quite plump looking too. He might not eat for awhile, and he might only eat a little bit when you aren't looking. My saharan/Nigerian was very shy to eat in front of me.
If you can, i'd suggest buying a digital with probe end (they are less than 10 bucks) just to verify your temp gun is reading your basking surface properly if you don't already have one. Temp guns are fine, but they can read very off if the surface material they are pointed at is a material outside of it's calibration range. But if your probe and gun match up, you are good to go.