New rescue with possible ADV


New member
Beardie name(s)
Sonny, Storm, Ambrose
Hi! I recently rescued this sweet boy, he is emaciated as you can tell, so the first week he didn’t do much but lay around. I have been feeding critical care, doing daily soaks and administering subq fluids per vets recommendation. He recently started regaining strength and is showing major symptoms for ADV. (stargazing, flipping over, possible seizures, advanced tremors ect) I called my vet today to let her know, she spoke with a specialist and they quoted me over $1k for adv testing, is that normal? Is there any other options? Where I rescued him from he was in a home with about 10 other female beardies free roaming (I would never allow that, I tried to urge his prior owner to separate them but no luck) but once I let her know about him possibly having adv she is willing to get her beardies tested if I can find a more affordable option. I would also like to test my other beardies just to be safe, so 1k per test just is not realistic right now. Any recommendations would be helpful

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Oh poor dragon! If you are still wanting to test him for Adeno, I can help get him tested.
Go ahead & sign up on my page at:

Please include your shipping address so I know where to mail your swab & form. The fecal testing
which is PCR in this lab that I go through, is only $21 per test sample.

What UVB lighting are you using? You will definitely need to continue syringe feeding him right now
to get him better nutrition & helping him to gain weight. Are you able to keep him warmer overnight,
around 75-80F to help boost his immune system?



New member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Sonny, Storm, Ambrose
For UVB I use Arcadia T5 12%, he has a 100w basking bulb that keeps his basking area up to correct temp and at night he’s got a Ceramic heat Emitter that keeps him at 85, I could bring it up a little to cool it down some though. I have a temp gun so I’ve been checking his temp frequently! Also thank you that is amazing news to hear, I did see your site on another forum but it was a very old one so I wasn’t sure if it was still up and going, but I did inquire earlier🙂 my email is [email protected] if for some reason it didn’t go through please let me know here and I can try again!

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

How is he doing today?
Great to hear you are using the Arcadia D3 12% T5 tube, that is a terrific UVB light.
No problem at all, the ceramic heat emitter is perfectly fine. I'm glad to hear you are already using it at night to help him stay a little warmer. You could lower the temperatures just a bit to around 80-82 or so to be sure he isn't getting too warm.
I hope that he is going to start improving!
I wrote you back, via email regarding the testing.


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