- Beardie name(s)
- Alduwin
Hello everyone!
As posted above, I am a new beardy owner. I did my research, but I am unsure of myself. I am scared for my beauty. Currently, there is little to no appetite, and only basking/sleeping. I don’t know if it’s my enclosure, or if this is normal, but I wanted to reach out. He is only about a month or two old. Got him from Petsmart.
below is my enclosure, please leave any information that you feel may be relevant.
As posted above, I am a new beardy owner. I did my research, but I am unsure of myself. I am scared for my beauty. Currently, there is little to no appetite, and only basking/sleeping. I don’t know if it’s my enclosure, or if this is normal, but I wanted to reach out. He is only about a month or two old. Got him from Petsmart.
below is my enclosure, please leave any information that you feel may be relevant.