New member and new dragon.

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Hi all, my name is Peter and this is my little friend Omar. I got him last Thursday, he is about five weeks old and is my very first pet (i am in my mid thirties btw). I live in Derry, Ireland, i know there is a European section but all seems quiet over there. Omar seems to just enjoy the crickets i give him, he doesn't go near the veg that is provided daily for him. I have changed the way he gets crickets too, i put them in the water bowl so they cannot hide on him and bother him when the lights go out, this method has worked perfectly as he is getting a little drink when he eats the crix. I would like to start handling him but he is just too skittish at the moment, or maybe too fast as my girlfriend manages to catch him everytime. Here he is anyway.





Original Poster
Thank you Dawn, my family seem quite taken with Omar. I remember telling my mom that i was going to get a lizard and she thought i was mad. She said i should get a budgie instead :D But the first time she seen Omar, she was calling his name. My nieces and my girlfriends kids love watching him. I only wish he would eat the veg i put out for him, and not be so afraid of me too. Tell me this will change please.


Juvie Member
Oh he is so cute. We all love the babies.
Yes things will change. He will be skittish for a few months. They are just so tiny and we are so big to them. In time he will mellow out. Hold him for about 3-5 minutes a few times a day and just gradually increase and the next thing you know you will be worried about somethings else.
As for the veggies just keep offering them everyday. Chop them very tiny for now and he will learn to like them. Try a variety and you will learn his favorites. You can put a pinch of calcium powder on the greens as well as the feeders. Here is a great read for good and bad foods.


Extreme Poster
He will settle down soon dont worry.
Babies are constant bundles of energy and are super skittish for at least a couple of months.
Ive had my baby for a month now and she tires me out just watching her!

My baby actually loves her veg, but she is very unusual. Keep offer her veg first thing in the morning and leaving her with it for an hour or so before you offer live food. If shes really hungry she might try a nibble first.

Aldo when you go to hold your baby do not:
approach from above
approach from the side
chase her with your hand

All of the above is predatory behaviour and will just upset your little one.
Place yout hand in flat infront of your baby. Leave it there for a few seconds and then slowlt slide it underneath her.

Congrats and enjoy!!
Holly x


Original Poster
Was just up at the shop where i got Omar and was watching his brothers and sisters eating their veg, omg they were voracious, as soon as they guy put the food in the viv they were clambering for it. I was thinking why doesn't my boy do that now when i offer veg. He nipped my girlfriends hand today and bared his "teeth" at my hand when i tried to pick him up. I just have to be patient and change the way i lift him. I got a thermometer today as well, one of the ones you stick on the wall of the tank. The guy advised me to put it on the back wall about halfways along and two thirds down which idid. He said that the ideal temp that should be displayed should be 85 degrees which mine is showing.


Extreme Poster
Welcome to!

Your little omar is darling! :love5:

I got 2 babys the same age as yours they are both from the same clutch. One will eat the veggies and the other one wont touch them yet. One is calm and easy the second is a bit skittish. I give the veggies first because if they are hungry they will munch on them. Your basking temps should be between 100f and 110f the cooler side of the tank should be around 80f to 85f. They need the heat to digest their food its really important for them.


Extreme Poster
Pego, the thermometer you want to use is one that has a probe at the end of a long wire, placed directly onto the basking spot for 45 minutes to read correctly. You can also get a temp gun, found in automotive shops to get an accurate "instant" temperature.
The stick on the side therms can be off by as much as 20* F, so definitely get one of the others.
Omar is as cute as can be! I also have two "infants" and one adolescent. Got to love the little ones as they are so active and interested in everything !


Original Poster
Omar was born in mid January, i dont have an exact date. Came home this afternoon and i noticed he is starting to shed skin around his neck area. Is this normal for a baby? I would love to help him if it gets uncomfortable but he still is skittish. I opened the glass sliding door today and had a wee chat with him about things so that he can see me clearly without reflections getting in the way. I have also starting resting my hand inside his home so he can get used to it and not be scared of it. Last week he tried no nip my girlfriends hand.


Hatchling Member
:D Welcome Peter and Omar! :D This forum can really help you out with any questions you might have. Have a great day, and good luck with holding Omar.
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