I just got myself an iggy about a month ago now, and She(I hope!), is doing farr better than she was when i received her.
When I got her, she was in a 40gallon tank with nothing really to climb on, and it was pretty plain. She had a huge disliking for any human contact, and would constantly tail whip anyone who tried.
Since then, we stood up her 40 gallon, added some trees to climb, and bought her a hammock..Well, she NEVER wants to leave her new home
I followed the ideology of showing her that "I'm the boss!", and she's warmed up alot more (but never wants to leave her viv)...Is this normal for most Igs?
She's also chilled out a heck of alot since i brought her for a car ride to the pet store, where I was surprised to see that she'd let the clerks touch and hold her! (I made sure the ladies who had crazy experience were working)
But yeah, I was just wondering if anyone else has the issue of their Ig never wanting to leave their home, as well as their growth speed vs. age.
She's 1.5 years old and is 18inches in length (1.5m)
I know that when i got her, she was skeptic, and I'm not 100% sure on how the previous owners handled them, but my boyfriend beileves their kids may have prodded and poked a bit too much
here is a picture!
When I got her, she was in a 40gallon tank with nothing really to climb on, and it was pretty plain. She had a huge disliking for any human contact, and would constantly tail whip anyone who tried.
Since then, we stood up her 40 gallon, added some trees to climb, and bought her a hammock..Well, she NEVER wants to leave her new home
I followed the ideology of showing her that "I'm the boss!", and she's warmed up alot more (but never wants to leave her viv)...Is this normal for most Igs?
She's also chilled out a heck of alot since i brought her for a car ride to the pet store, where I was surprised to see that she'd let the clerks touch and hold her! (I made sure the ladies who had crazy experience were working)
But yeah, I was just wondering if anyone else has the issue of their Ig never wanting to leave their home, as well as their growth speed vs. age.
She's 1.5 years old and is 18inches in length (1.5m)
I know that when i got her, she was skeptic, and I'm not 100% sure on how the previous owners handled them, but my boyfriend beileves their kids may have prodded and poked a bit too much
here is a picture!