New guy! Be nice!

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Juvie Member
Original Poster
Hi and nice to meet you Dina! :)

It's a great name, still! I actually named mine after how she squeaked one night when I disturbed her when she was sleeping(she was ticked D:).

It would be great to see your pets. They sound great.:)

Also, thank you for the welcome ! :D


Sub-Adult Member
Hi Corey! My name is Haley... I have 7 beardies. Grim is my oldest and my best friend. He's 2. Sly is my next is Sly we think he's around a year and a half. Reese and Adrian we believe to be about a year. Brooks is 8 months old. Jordyn and Dominique are 6 months old... And I have 2 babies from Reese and Grim.

We also live in Cali....:)

welcome to the boards!


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Hi Haley ^^

You have a lot of animals! I am so jealous. :p

Thank you for the warm welcome! :)


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Barely a day has passed since I joined this site and I can already say this has got to be the friendliest and most knowledgeable site out there. I was searching and trying to find info for days, too! You guys are just great and I thank you a lot :)

I have bad news. =/ My Squeak is still seeming kind of sick and it's starting to worry me. I really want her to get better. :(
I am going to the vet tomorrow for the first time just in case. I hope I will be able to figure out what's wrong(if anything).

When I got her, she was a bit unfocused, and she had a little wobble whenever she ran around. This made me think of MBD which might be the case because AT PETSMART they didn't have a UV light and they had all of the babies in sandy substrate. At first, I got sand because that's what they told me to get but as I found this site I found out that this was bad for them. I got a UV light, and I set up a few good towels that she can't get her teeth into or ingest, and I was hoping for her to be fine.

Anyway, couple days after I got her her wobbling stopped and she seemed to get better, but now her symptoms are coming back and that's why I have set up a vet visit.

Agh, worries. :/


Sub-Adult Member
:( Oh no!! I sure hope all goes well at the vets. So glad you are taking her in.

When we first got Louie ( she was about 9 months) we took her to the vet for a check up, and thank God we did! She had coccidia, and I she came with sand in her tank so we were using that. Vet told us to get rid of it right away, and gave us some meds. She could have died if we didn't take her in for that vet check.

I guess I should take baby Mickey in for a check up. She seems totally fine, but we got her at Pet Smart. The only one in the tank since she is a 'fancy' dragon, and of course cost more. LOL

Wish I had found this board a long time ago! Everyone is so nice, and knows just about everything there is to know about beardies!

Are you on facebook? I have lots of pictures posted on there!

Keep us posted on your vet visit. I will cross my fingers that everything is a ok!


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Thank you very much :) I will say how it goes after the visit. I really hope it goes well. :/

I don't have a Facebook, Just a Myspace. Not really a fan of either but if I do make a FB I will be sure to add you and check out your pictures! :D


Juvie Member
Original Poster
I forgot to mention, I made a post in Health that explains what my setup is, and my what UV lighting I am using and such. I am really wondering if I am doing something wrong because I don't want to be the one making my Squeak worse...It will break my heart :/

If you have the time or if you could possibly help and rate my setup that would be very much appreciated :) No worries if you can't though! :D Thanks again!


Sub-Adult Member
Did you change the sand to something like Astroturf or something? Sand is very dangerous; never use it.


Juvie Member
Hi and welcome!

Love you pics, i currently have three beardies, Rexie 2year old female my fiance bought me and my two rescues Fred, boy 7 years, Seven, not she if shes a boy or girl, she is very small and is only 11 months old, i also have two corns and two rats!

I'm across the water in Ireland. Let us all know how your vet vivsit gets on!


Hello and welcome! I'm a newbie, too :D
That breaks my heart that your poor Squeaks is ill, PetSmart doesn't seem to take very good care of their dragons, the first one I got from there, her name was Agnes and she was very very cute, was ill too, and they also had sand as I did with her too, because they told me. She passed away after only a week =( [before I could get to the vet. I feel horrible] I now have Achilles and he is doing much better. Love the pics, your baby is so sweet. Can't wait to see more of them :p
Let us know how the vet visit goes!
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