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Beardie name(s)

Hello everyone! I just brought home this beardie a few days ago and am worried about the weird bumps and his discolored this normal? Any ideas?

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

That isn't normal no. The bumps were present when you got him then?
Does he flinch when you touch his tail? For now, if you can get some raw unpasteurized honey
to put on those areas. His tail might also be getting ready to shed, too. Are the bumps hard?
You can try giving a bath also just to be sure it isn't something that would come off.
He has a nice long tail though!
Is he eating well for you yet, since you just brought him home?



Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

That isn't normal no. The bumps were present when you got him then?
Does he flinch when you touch his tail? For now, if you can get some raw unpasteurized honey
to put on those areas. His tail might also be getting ready to shed, too. Are the bumps hard?
You can try giving a bath also just to be sure it isn't something that would come off.
He has a nice long tail though!
Is he eating well for you yet, since you just brought him home?

Hey! The bumps are very hard and theres more on his stomach. I gave him a soak today and i saw some yellow coming off of him but none of the bumps disappear.

I went back to the pet store and checked the other dragons and one had 4 bumps, and some yellowing on the beard and the other dragon had somw yellowing on the bottom of the tail. Makes me very nervous about YF....however, the bumps dont look like any pictures of YF except dermatophilosis. He hasnt flinched when i touch them.

Getting him betadine and neosporin perhaps an antifungal while I find a suitable vet.

Only had him 5 days so trying to get him as much help as possible

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Hey! The bumps are very hard and theres more on his stomach. I gave him a soak today and i saw some yellow coming off of him but none of the bumps disappear.

I went back to the pet store and checked the other dragons and one had 4 bumps, and some yellowing on the beard and the other dragon had somw yellowing on the bottom of the tail. Makes me very nervous about YF....however, the bumps dont look like any pictures of YF except dermatophilosis. He hasnt flinched when i touch them.

Getting him betadine and neosporin perhaps an antifungal while I find a suitable vet.

Only had him 5 days so trying to get him as much help as possible
Here's a website to find a reptile vet-- if your in a small town type in the city that's closest to you

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Those bumps aren't yellow fungus, thankfully. I am not positive what they could be other than
cysts of some type since they are hard. I am hoping that they will work themselves off with some
baths, etc but not sure. How many total would you say there are?

Let us know how he is doing.
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