thank you so much. i have now started to introduce the babies to 1/4 size crickets and they will only take one at a time, somtimes they refuse and then they will take the mealworms. I pick the mealworms that have just shredded a skin and are still white and soft. as i say they have been raised in the mealworms and i will slowly do away with them.jcot13":31jxkqh8 said:NO MEALWORMS! they have WAYYY to much bone than they do actual meat. so no more of those. Crickets are really good for them. Also, if you want to be "exotic" you can feed dubia roaches. i personally feed crickets, i but about 1,000 at a time and it'll last me a lonnnng time. i store them in a 20 glalon tank, you can use smaller, and provide gutload and the stems of the veggies you give to your bearded dragons.
As far as amount, it really varies. You want to keep giving them crickets until they are done. It all depends on the mood or if they're full. Sometimes, mine will go a day without eating any if he had too many the day before. To switch them over, just only offer crickets. Eventually, they will get hungry and just want to eat the crickets.
As far as greens go, the 3 younger ones probably wont be eating alot. But keep offering it, so they get used to its presence in the tank. If you want to encourage them to eat it, try squirting it with grape juice, just take a grape and squeeze it onto the salad. Beardies love grapes and the swee tsmell will attract them. It should work.
Good luck with everything and don't be afraid to ask questions! we are here to help!
Take a look at my thread in my signature and follow my day to day life with my 11 month old!
jcot13":1mb5qhwy said:okay, try your best ot get them off the meal worms. if you want, you can give them supers to act like meal worms because they are better then the meal worm, but not better than crickets. so i would switch to supers while you are ridding them of meal worms.
julianel":33lgs75e said:Thank you guys. you really make me feel welcome. can anyone tell me how much a baby beardie eats? Kink, my 7month old young lady eats very well...veggies and her insects. the three babies ( 2 of 2months and one of a month old) does not want to take any greens and will take the occasional mealworm. The people i got them from raised them so far on mealworms (i know it is not the best diet}and it is a battle to get them to eat anything else. They seem healthy and very allert. and the poo seems ok and regular.
jcot13":29nzb4sd said:GOOD CATCH KACYMYREE! sorry about that!
jcot13":2109caff said:that could be, i'm beginning to notice that my 11 month old eats A LOT right before a shed, and doesn't eat much during. it's stressful for them. as long as they start eating after the shed, i wouldn't worry!