Hi everyone,
First time bearded dragon owner here looking for feedback/advice. My son and I did a ton of research before bringing a baby beardie home last week. He ate a decent amount the first few days. We are aware of relocation stress but he seemed to be getting acclimated pretty well. My son and I started handling him for a minute or two at a time every now and then to the point where he would actually walk to our hand and climb right on so we felt pretty confident that he was adjusting well. However his appetite hasnt been great over the past few days. I believe his enclosure is set up correctly and we are using the right lighting and heat. Im just looking for a little feedback about his enclosure or any advice as to whether or not we should be worried about his appetite at this point. I could just be overthinking it and he may just need some more time. What do you all think?
First time bearded dragon owner here looking for feedback/advice. My son and I did a ton of research before bringing a baby beardie home last week. He ate a decent amount the first few days. We are aware of relocation stress but he seemed to be getting acclimated pretty well. My son and I started handling him for a minute or two at a time every now and then to the point where he would actually walk to our hand and climb right on so we felt pretty confident that he was adjusting well. However his appetite hasnt been great over the past few days. I believe his enclosure is set up correctly and we are using the right lighting and heat. Im just looking for a little feedback about his enclosure or any advice as to whether or not we should be worried about his appetite at this point. I could just be overthinking it and he may just need some more time. What do you all think?