Really pretty
My Taco also changed a color a lot from baby to adult:
As a baby he was chocolate brown with grey (not the tiniest bit of "warm colors" like yellow or orange). Now he has a yellow-brown sand color with lots of orange and blueish/purple stripes.
Looks in comparison like two totally different animals. Also was surprised when I bought Taco that he was chocolate brown with grey. Had thought of beardies mostly like being.... yes, the color he is now.
Taco is from a reptile store, and he was the last one left (thus a bit bigger, 3 months, shape very much lizard-like) - easy to decide which one to get

When they got the next beardies ("standard", like Taco, and those were tiny, those "big head on a smal body" ones

), almost all of them looked more sand-colored. Maybe this was the reason Taco was the last one? I didn't mind, just thought "okay, then my beardie is chocolate with grey, doesn't matter!".
Right now Taco sheds. For some of his markings, they are becoming darker (now there is some chocolate brown back in his coloration).
I think this is fascinating, in combination with their ability to change color with mood, temperature and for camouflage.