I recently acquired a new baby beardie about 3 weeks ago. Took her to our exotic vet to get a fecal done and she tested positive for coccidia, flagellates, and spirochetes. The vet prescribed panacur, ponazuril, and metronidazole all at .02 dosages. She is 29 grams, about 11-12 weeks old.
Is it okay to give her these meds simultaneously or can one thing be treated at a time? She eats like a champ and her poop is normal (other than the stench). Is there one med I should prioritize over the other? I know she needs to be treated for all parasites but I feel like 3 meds at once is a lot for a tiny baby. Also, should I take out all of the enclosure decor until she’s clear of the coccidia? I’ll be disinfecting it all today. Currently using paper towels as substrate for easy clean up. Any tips would be helpful. Here’s a pic of our Jazzy for attention
Is it okay to give her these meds simultaneously or can one thing be treated at a time? She eats like a champ and her poop is normal (other than the stench). Is there one med I should prioritize over the other? I know she needs to be treated for all parasites but I feel like 3 meds at once is a lot for a tiny baby. Also, should I take out all of the enclosure decor until she’s clear of the coccidia? I’ll be disinfecting it all today. Currently using paper towels as substrate for easy clean up. Any tips would be helpful. Here’s a pic of our Jazzy for attention