New and VERY STRESSED Dragon

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New member
I got this little one because she was so cute. She's about 8 and a half inches. I would walk by her tank at the pet shop and she would puff up at me like she was mad. She's VERY ballsy. I got here home and put her with the 10 inch male dragon who's mate recently died. Well she got ballsy with him, puffed up at him and he got mad and bit her leg. I figured I'd give the two some space and put him in a separate tank within view of her's. He's trying VERY MUCH to get back to his terrarium and she's flattened out, turning black, puffing up, and hyperventilating. Can anyone offer any advice?

Jiffy Addict
I would definitely get them away from each other, preferably where they cannot see each other at all.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Yes, please do separate them. How is the leg looking now? It is going to get infected so please try to get some betadine & dilute that down to resemble weak tea to disinfect the area. Use some antibiotic ointment as well to keep the area clean & help keep infection away.
Is she eating & basking normally? How is she doing today?



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Well, he didn't bite her hard enough to break the skin. It was pretty much a GTFO thing. I separated them until they calmed down and put them back together and they've been together since. . .

She seems kind of mean. . .Every time I pass her she puffs up at me and hisses. I'm really nice to her, just the same as my other two, but she's soooooo cranky. >.<


Extreme Poster
You've already seen aggression between the two of them, so why would you put them back together?


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Well, she's just being uppity with me, now. After their first encounter, I suppose she changed her tune and started waving at him instead of puffing up and hissing. They've been fine ever since. They just lie on top of each other and chill. It's just she doesn't like me, lol.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

I strongly urge you to permanently separate them before there is a terrible accident which occurs. Plus, he could try to breed her too early & she could fight & one of them is going to get horribly injured in the process.
Laying on top of each other is dominance & the one on the bottom will not get adequate UVB lighting & may not get warm enough when basking.

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i wont stop asking questions and being a worry wart about my lil qibli ! >:)
You know you talk a lot when you post 300 messages within one month of joining a website…oops 😂
Tried to take Wilson out this morning and let me tell you he is NOT a morning beardie !! got the angry beard !!
either she really likes me, or shes hungry
I can’t wait to see Dr.Wilson be a big dragon but I try to cherish hard the moments while he still fits in my hand 🦎

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