new adult beardie owner: unusual poop/urate experiences seeking guidance!

hi! i rehomed an adult beardie (thought to be ~7 yrs old) from a friend who loved her but couldn't take her in their move. i've named her clementine (aka clem aka cowboy clem). i'm seeking some advice for her waste/consumption behavior because it seems different than how she was with my friend and i am worried about the health of her waste. my friend told me she struggled to pass poops and would typically take a big poop in the bath once a week (and only in the bath).

She came to live with me about 3 weeks ago, and we kept her tank set-up the exact same as how she's lived at my friend's house for the last 4 years. For the first two weeks, she stayed in her hides watching me/the house, and didn't want to be handled and would hardly eat. i gave her 1 bath in the first week where she drank water, but after that bath she would black-beard me when i tried to handle her, so i gave her space to adjust. she did not poop during the first two weeks at all and i was concerned! when i rehomed her, my friend gave me mealworms and superworms, so i was tong-feeding her some of those every few days, and trying to get her to eat arugula and kale. she would eat some arugula, but no kale. she would eat blueberries as a treat though, and very occasionally i would give her a few.

Then, there was a big ice storm (i'm in austin texas) and we lost power, so we moved between friends' houses for 4 days for heat, and i got her a small portable tank set up. She ended up taking her first massive poop in the tiny tank enclosure! Her first poop was well formed as a log shape, with harder urate at the end. She also suddenly began being active, wanting out of the tank all the time. I assumed it was just cause the temporary tank was too small.

But then, we got back home, and now she's like a different lizard lol. she's constantly super active during the day and wants to be let out to run around a ton, which is great and i understand is her being back to her normal self after the rehoming period. BUT !! now she "poops" a lot !!! the day we got home, which was the day after her first big poop, she took another, much softer but still formed, massive poop on my bed. and then every day since then, when i get her out of her tank to run around, she poops on a piece of fabric somewhere, but there's barely any poop. there's like the tiniest pebble of brown poo in the midst of stringy/watery urate and other liquid. she always finds like a blanket or something to poo on, never the hard floor, and never in her tank, and never in the bath. today, she did it when i had her outside in a pop-up tent, and it looked like there's an orangey color mixed in with the urate as well. it's exhausting to have to find it and clean it up constantly. i'm worried they're stress poops, or something worse going on? you can see a picture of the first big poop in the tiny tank, and then a picture of the little bit of watery waste w orange/pink color today. it doesn't quite look like blood but idk what it is. also, none of it has really had any noticeable smell.

As far as her eating, she's been eating small amounts of her greens every other day (offered daily but she ignores half the time) - arugula, mustard greens & collard greens. i have dubia roaches and horned worms on the way arriving tomorrow, and i plan to give her a few dubias daily with her greens, and horned worms as a treat for hydration. right now i give her a small handful of superworms/mealworms once a week. she still hasn't drank any water since her first bath with me, but i keep giving her baths every 3-5 days.

what do yall think ? does this all seem like a normal adjustment period that getting her on a more consistent diet of dubias w greens can help with? how do yall clean up watery waste that gets on your fabrics?


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KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 5
hi! i rehomed an adult beardie (thought to be ~7 yrs old) from a friend who loved her but couldn't take her in their move. i've named her clementine (aka clem aka cowboy clem). i'm seeking some advice for her waste/consumption behavior because it seems different than how she was with my friend and i am worried about the health of her waste. my friend told me she struggled to pass poops and would typically take a big poop in the bath once a week (and only in the bath).

She came to live with me about 3 weeks ago, and we kept her tank set-up the exact same as how she's lived at my friend's house for the last 4 years. For the first two weeks, she stayed in her hides watching me/the house, and didn't want to be handled and would hardly eat. i gave her 1 bath in the first week where she drank water, but after that bath she would black-beard me when i tried to handle her, so i gave her space to adjust. she did not poop during the first two weeks at all and i was concerned! when i rehomed her, my friend gave me mealworms and superworms, so i was tong-feeding her some of those every few days, and trying to get her to eat arugula and kale. she would eat some arugula, but no kale. she would eat blueberries as a treat though, and very occasionally i would give her a few.

Then, there was a big ice storm (i'm in austin texas) and we lost power, so we moved between friends' houses for 4 days for heat, and i got her a small portable tank set up. She ended up taking her first massive poop in the tiny tank enclosure! Her first poop was well formed as a log shape, with harder urate at the end. She also suddenly began being active, wanting out of the tank all the time. I assumed it was just cause the temporary tank was too small.

But then, we got back home, and now she's like a different lizard lol. she's constantly super active during the day and wants to be let out to run around a ton, which is great and i understand is her being back to her normal self after the rehoming period. BUT !! now she "poops" a lot !!! the day we got home, which was the day after her first big poop, she took another, much softer but still formed, massive poop on my bed. and then every day since then, when i get her out of her tank to run around, she poops on a piece of fabric somewhere, but there's barely any poop. there's like the tiniest pebble of brown poo in the midst of stringy/watery urate and other liquid. she always finds like a blanket or something to poo on, never the hard floor, and never in her tank, and never in the bath. today, she did it when i had her outside in a pop-up tent, and it looked like there's an orangey color mixed in with the urate as well. it's exhausting to have to find it and clean it up constantly. i'm worried they're stress poops, or something worse going on? you can see a picture of the first big poop in the tiny tank, and then a picture of the little bit of watery waste w orange/pink color today. it doesn't quite look like blood but idk what it is. also, none of it has really had any noticeable smell.

As far as her eating, she's been eating small amounts of her greens every other day (offered daily but she ignores half the time) - arugula, mustard greens & collard greens. i have dubia roaches and horned worms on the way arriving tomorrow, and i plan to give her a few dubias daily with her greens, and horned worms as a treat for hydration. right now i give her a small handful of superworms/mealworms once a week. she still hasn't drank any water since her first bath with me, but i keep giving her baths every 3-5 days.

what do yall think ? does this all seem like a normal adjustment period that getting her on a more consistent diet of dubias w greens can help with? how do yall clean up watery waste that gets on your fabrics?
That is good poop- w/ all the juggling between tanks and different environments is going to cause stress and relocation stress- she needs to be put in one place and one tank now-- she will need to have time to adjust and acclimate to her surroundings - keep feeding the salads and insects 2-3 times per week- dubias are a great staple feeder- her surface basking temps should be 95-100 taken w a digital probe thermometer- a long tube uvb fixture please - No coils- these are crucial for the overall health and behavior of the dragon- if you need anymore help w/ uvb's or anything please ask

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LarryTheLizard wrote on ForLeonard!'s profile.
Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?
cookie event at my library today, quite fun! Made some bracelets for my comrades too, to give them at church in the morning. Got a busy day tomorrow even though I’m off work… i go back on tuesday so atleast I’ll have 2 days off to rewind….then back to hell lol
The head tilt tho! Aaaahhh
LarryTheLizard wrote on SaraJean's profile.
happy birthday :)

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