need help categorizing my beardie

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I need some help idk what kinda dragon I have he was labled a fancy bearded dragon at petsmart but looked different from the other fancies who had more of a lime green line and white look idk how to put the image on this message if you wanna send me your email address I can mail the pics to u or if someone can tell me how to attach it also how old do you all think he might be he is 3 and a half inches from snout to vent and his tail is 6 inches so 9 and a half in all please help


Original Poster
I posted a topic similar to this in general discussion I g think it would be better here I was wondering if anyone knew what type of bearded dragon I have and also how old someone might think he is he is 3 and a half inches from snout to vent and tail is 6 and a half inches long so 9 and a half in all any help would be greatly appreciated thanks in advance and without further ado here is my handsome boy hulk


Hatchling Member
Looks to be a normal scaled BD, if he has 20 clear nails then he would be a hypo.

Color? TBD later.... might have a yellow head and orange body or it could just be the shed he is about to go through.


Original Poster
thanks for your help he just finished his shed about 5 days and the orange came out beautifully would he already be going into another shed his head has red lines running through it and kind of green looking


Hatchling Member
They shed in parts, it still looks like his head, tail and feet need to shed

Green color turns to tan as they shed and then sometimes white in later sheds.

You can always call him a pastel BD


Extreme Poster
INReptiles":276hc8c5 said:
Are his nails completely clear? It looks like he might be a hypo.

Nope, there is a black line running through the nails, from what I see in the pictures.
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