Need advice for top of tank

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Sub-Adult Member
I am getting my hands on a 4 foot 55 gallon tank this week that someone gave away. Whoo hoo... now my question is about the top. I'm sure it has the fish tank top to it since that's what someone is calling it a fish tank.

Soo other than ordering a custom top once I get my hands on it, what do you think my options are? Would making a screen top that would fit on the outside work considering the light would be holding it down? Would I need to weight it? I don't plan on having anything close enough to the top for him to be able to push it up. However, have to make sure the cats can't get it off to.

Please any advice you have would be great. I wouldn't be able to order a top for it for a couple of weeks.

If it comes with a fish tank top could I take off the door part and put screen over that for now - hot glue it for a quick fix. Would that give him enough air?


Extreme Poster
Do you not want to just buy a screen top?

4ft is standard for a 55 gallon tank, you can find already made screen tops. I used to have that was hinged and lifted on either side, so I didn't have to move all my lights when I wanted to access the cage. I never had an issue with the cats. If you are at all concerned, you can buy locks for a standard screen. They're usually used for snakes and just fit onto the sides of the lid.

A 55g is pretty standard, so I think just about any pet store would have a lid.


Sub-Adult Member
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Having not seen the tank yet, I wasn't sure if it was standard or not. Just trying to get myself mentally prepared if I can't find something locally and have to have it custome made (I hope not).

As far as my cats - ummm yeah... they actually get caught sitting on top of the current tank trying to get through the screen. They are kittens (just over a year) and think Lindy is something to be played with. I don't fear them hurting him as they have followed a hamster threw the house before without biting it (don't ask). I just don't want to have something resting on it to cover it, they jump up while I'm at work and when they jump off it goes flying off.


Sub-Adult Member
You can get a standard 55 gallon screen top at any petstore. There also locks available to keep the lid closed; to keep an animal in, or out. My cats are pretty smart, so before we were able to lock them out of the room, we had to keep our reptiles very secure. In fact, we have to keep child locks on the kitchen cabinets to keep them out. They don't have magnets or latches to keep them closed, and it took the cats about 5 minutes to figure that out!


Hatchling Member
I got my 55 gal tank screen cover at pet smart with the other screen lids. For some reason petco didn't have the size I needed for his first 20 gal or the 55, so I'd try petsmart first, maybe it's the same in your area :)


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Thanks for the advice. I'm going to get the tank on saturday... whoo hoo!
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