Nathaniel, Cierra, Castiel, Freya, Grrl; RIP GABRIEL

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We never expected to get another dragon, but our neighbours next door wanted to give away Cleo, as he was called. We'd babysat him before, he's such a sweetheart. We nicknamed him Velcro because when he snuggles he never wants to go back to his viv, he hangs on as if he's made out of velcro.

So here he is. Today was his first day with us. He ate 13 supers and ate some squash, not bad for the first day he was here. He's only in a 30 gallon tank, which will be ok for now. He's 18" long but weighs only 200g. We figure he's probably 2 yrs old. Our neighbours rescued him last fall, they found him and a female (which they named Puff) on Craig's list. They were in a 30 gallon dirty tank, with sand and a huge log that took up 1/2 the space in the tank. Leo was at the bottom, he was sooooo skinny. He's gained weight, but never got the attention he deserved. I took some pics today, but will take more tomorrow. I think he remembers our place as didn't get stressed as I expected. No stress marks at all. When we let him run around the living room, he noticed our girls and immediate black beard, so his hormones are working!

He had a bath this morning, had a big poop, no smell, so not worried about parasites.

So here are a few pics, he's a yellow & dark gray, light gray colour.

Under the communal power sun in the living room:

Discovering there are girls in those tanks up above, he has a great black beard for such a skinny boy:

On the couch, he's got a pretty diamond pattern on his back:


Hope you enjoy
Deb and my six dragons :D :shock: :shock: :shock: :cry: :cry: :( :love5:

sweetiepie9 Sicko
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Yes, there was a post on here from a woman who was 27 and she got her dragon at 7 yrs old. She was wondering why her dragon was slowing down. We just couldn't believe that dragon was still alive!

So it's possible. A friend of mine had a dragon live 16 years, but the last few he was very sick.

My Lonzo died at 11 1/2 from a tumour that burst in his liver, so I got him right to the vet and had him put down. He woke up with blood in his mouth. It was sad but he had 6 1/2 yrs with us, we adopted him when he was 5. He was security chief. Every time he was out of his tank, he did the perimeter of the living room. I still miss him alot.

Grr is doing really well, she eats tons of dubia daily and now has a belly. She's still a bit skittish, especially at night. But she knows my voice and scent and I never have a problem picking her up. She goes to the vet in Dec when I actually have some $

So I didn't even notice that Castiel was up this morning. He was sitting in his tank, bobbing at Nathaniel that was on the ramp. That's when I realized he was up. He went back to sleep on Tues, so didn't expect him to be up. I have a feeling he's up to good. He's been sleeping since May.

Nathaniel is up to his old tricks, I have to put the barrier up when I'm not in the living room, or he bolts and tries to hide. I have bronchitis, so off until Monday, will be almost finished the antibiotics, so have today and the weekend to rest up. I haven't been coughing as much, so that's good.

Freya and Cierra are still brumating, not sure when they'll be up again.

Glad Puff is wanting his morning snuggle and hope he lives a good long life as well.

I'll have more pictures soon.

beardie parents Sicko
Thanks WE hope she will be with us for many years also. She was doing better after giving her calcium. I gave her more than the suggested because of the way I saw her walking. The day after that, she was walking better. She let me wake her up for a couple of days after I gave her calcium but she doesn't want to wake up any more. It's getting frigid here (thankfully it's not because of snow and below zero temps but we are getting down to freezing.

beardie parents Sicko
Deb, you have my sympathy with you bronchitis I had that many years ago and I had it for a month before I finally went to the doctor - I didn't have any health insurance at the time so going to the Dr is not always an option for me. Anyway, after I went to the Dr. she told me what to take (over the counter stuff) and it was gone within 2 weeks. I remember having to sleep sitting up which is difficult to do and laying flat it's almost impossible to breathe and still sleep. I am thankful I've not had it since. I try to day vitamin C and echanicea and zinc daily and I haven't had a cold for years. I used to get one a couple of times a year but, thankfully, I haven't in many years, mainly because of the imuine vitamins I take daily.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
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I've had the cough for 6 weeks, Lori, from a bug my granddaughter game me. The cold was gone in 4 days. Usually I get bronchial asthma after a cold, so puffers really help. Plus I have alot of allergies so took my antihistamines, too, but this time it didn't work. So I went to the doc on Friday, as the middle of my chest was burning. She said it turned bacterial. I've been on a good antibiotic since Wed and I'm already hardly coughing and the burning is gone. I'm starting to get my energy back, too, which is great. So I'll see how I am after the antibiotics stop. Haven't had bronchitis for over 15 years, so it was very surprising that I go it this year. I've lost so much weight from coughing so hard I lost my meals. So I'm down to 115 lbs now when 2 years ago I was 155. So a bit too much weight loss. Now I'm hoping the food I eat stays down. Yesterday I ate 3 meals! and they stayed down! So I'm hoping this continues.

beardie parents Sicko
Deb, I hope you are still feeling better and I hope it continues. I'm thankful that I've only had bronchitus one time and never since. In my case, I had to fight to get out of bed, as I was very tired, and didn't realize what would happen.

I do have a question about beardie tales - if you know. The tip of Rosie's tail has gotten stiff, about an inch or so and that part is darker than the rest of her tail. The rest of her tail is fine. My question is this: how can we tell if there is an issue with her tail that tells us we should find money to get her to a vet - which for us means a drive of about 1.5 to 2 hours from our home as there isn't any reptile vets in our small town. I can get a picture of her tail and post it here, if it would help.


sweetiepie9 Sicko
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You can tell when the dark part starts to move up the tail. That's an infection that will kill her if it keeps moving up the tail. I had to have Lonzo's tail amputated 5" when I first got him. If the hard part doesn't move up the arm, then that's something that happens alot. Sometimes it's shed that never came off, sometimes just because. So measure where the dark is now and watch her tail for a week or so to see if that dark part moves further up.

beardie parents Sicko
o.k., thanks Deb. It hasn't seemed to move up any but I was sort of concerned and didn't know whether to get her to a vet or not. It has been there for awhile but hasn't seemed to move any. At first, I thought it was a shed that wouldn't come off but didn't seem to want to come off.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
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That's the kind of shed that you have to have help with, shed=ese or something like that. Aloe vera can work well on stubborn shed, coconut oil put on at night, there are a few other things that help. Vit E cream is one of them, too, but either way, if it's not moving, don't worry about it. It's just lost the circulation in that part of the tail. My first dragon Sweetie Pie had the exact same thing, eventually the tip broke off and it was never an issue with her tail.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
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I've changed Grr's name to Grrl, she's doing so very well & just finished a full body shed. Every simple spot on her shed. So she's not the dark girl she was anymore.


She's gained alot of needed weight since I first got her. So that's great to see. She's been flirting with Nathaniel and Castiel since I brought her home beginning of November.

My girls Cierra and Freya are still brumating, so wonder how they're going to react to a new girl in town :lol:

My poor dog Bella had to go to the vet yesterday (with no power at the vet due to major wind storm yesterday. She had a swollen anal gland that the vet was able to squeeze out. Today she's sleeping in, poor girl, but hopefully that was the problem. She'd thrown up the night before & pooped 3x in the house, which is just not like her. Hopefully now that is all done, she'll be fine.

Otherwise my son Eric and his family have all been sick. Leo (5 yrs old) is in kindergarten & brought home a flu. I haven't seen them all week because of that but they're all improving. They can't come to the get together of my family for Xmas on Sunday afternoon, (my mom has breathing issues and the slightest virus could make her really sick), but they'll be going to their other grandparents for an overnight on Sunday. I'll be leaving my car with Eric on Sunday so he can pick up the kids next day. It's a bit of a convoluted Xmas this year, my sister and her whole family are leaving for Mexico on Xmas day, they're meeting up with their step-son and his family in Mexico until the 11th. So we're doing it all on Sunday instead.


sweetiepie9 Sicko
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Well, I survived the Christmas season. I had my grandson, Leo (he's 5) overnight 3x and my granddaughter Safara (she's 4) twice. It was alot of fun and he goes back to kindergarten on Monday. And I'm getting back to work.

Grrl is doing really well, she's still bobbing the boys but not as much and the boys have calmed down, they just spend the day with a black beard.

Cierra and Freya are still asleep, but I'll wake them up on Tuesday for a soak. Cierra normally sleeps until end Feb, but Freya is new to brumation, so I'm not sure what she'll do. She's been asleep 2 or so months now.

I hope everyone had a good holiday and that 2019 is much better in every way than 2018. And extra snuggles for all our dragons :love5: :love5:


Sub-Adult Member
Grrl is so beautiful! A picture of her reminded me of Bandit :) I'm still trying to catch up on your post and read you had bronchitis this winter, I just got hit with it myself two weeks ago for the first time, it's terrible!

sweetiepie9 Sicko
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Thanks for checking in. Grrl looks much different than last Nov when I first got her, after Gabriel passed. She was skinny, laying eggs almost look through. So I bought Calci-blast from Tracie at The stuff is great and I now give it to all my dragons. They've never been healthier, especially the girls laying so many eggs! I got some Serrepeptase from her, too, and that's been helping Freya recover her energy. Cierra, too. Grrl is so steady that she hardly even noticed that she was laying eggs. But these were not see through so the Calci-blast really worked.


Gray-bearded Member
Hi folks –

Agreed, bronchitis is no fun. I’ve had it a number of times, especially when I was a little kid. Luckily I haven’t had it for a while now (knock wood). Moving away from Los Angeles may have helped. Some people say that breathing the air in LA is like smoking about 2 packs a day.

Too bad female beardies don’t have some way of realizing that laying infertile eggs is not worth the expenditure of biological resources (food, energy, calcium, etc.) when they haven’t mated and they aren’t going to hatch little beardies, especially when they’re skinny to begin with. It would make it much easier to nurse them back to health. Either way, Deb, you’ve done your usual beautiful job with Grrl. :)

sweetiepie9 Sicko
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Thanks so much, I have more recent pictures, just have to find the time to download from my cell.

I now have 4 lights for 4 beardies, so mine are happy, even though unhappy about not being let out to run around. I still have a pile of boxes to completely unpack, so tomorrow I'm just going to shove everything in the credenzas (I have 3, under Castiel, Nathaniel and Cierra) and a 6 drawer dresser, which has 5 empty drawers. That should hold alot of what's in the living room and then the rest I'll put where they belong, kitchen & bathroom. All my bedroom stuff is on the floor on the other side of my bed LOL. With my back acting up so badly while moving, it's hard to bend now without hurting myself. Packing and moving and unpacking takes alot of bending. So I'll be moved in finally (meaning everything out of boxes) and I have a 9:30a inspection on Monday am. It's a move in inspection & that's when I'm home. So once that's done, inspections are every 6 mo for a new tenant, then yearly once they've had 2 inspections in a row and everything is good. (the manager is mainly looking for grow-ops). It's an old place but I like old & it was painted and new carpet put in b4 I moved in.

Now to pay the least the electric is paid & got final bill that I'm paying next Friday, then that's done. Have to call Hydro where I now live to make sure account was put into my name. That's about it.

When I get the pics off my cell into my laptop, I'll be able to get them on here. And I'll have better pictures of the place once everything is put away.

Then LOTS of pictures, promise!


Gray-bearded Member

It's been a while, so I thought I'd post something to this thread before it locks. I guess you got pretty busy with the move, but otherwise, how are you and how are your beardies? :wave:
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