Nathaniel, Cierra, Castiel, Freya, Grrl; RIP GABRIEL

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We never expected to get another dragon, but our neighbours next door wanted to give away Cleo, as he was called. We'd babysat him before, he's such a sweetheart. We nicknamed him Velcro because when he snuggles he never wants to go back to his viv, he hangs on as if he's made out of velcro.

So here he is. Today was his first day with us. He ate 13 supers and ate some squash, not bad for the first day he was here. He's only in a 30 gallon tank, which will be ok for now. He's 18" long but weighs only 200g. We figure he's probably 2 yrs old. Our neighbours rescued him last fall, they found him and a female (which they named Puff) on Craig's list. They were in a 30 gallon dirty tank, with sand and a huge log that took up 1/2 the space in the tank. Leo was at the bottom, he was sooooo skinny. He's gained weight, but never got the attention he deserved. I took some pics today, but will take more tomorrow. I think he remembers our place as didn't get stressed as I expected. No stress marks at all. When we let him run around the living room, he noticed our girls and immediate black beard, so his hormones are working!

He had a bath this morning, had a big poop, no smell, so not worried about parasites.

So here are a few pics, he's a yellow & dark gray, light gray colour.

Under the communal power sun in the living room:

Discovering there are girls in those tanks up above, he has a great black beard for such a skinny boy:

On the couch, he's got a pretty diamond pattern on his back:


Hope you enjoy
Deb and my six dragons :D :shock: :shock: :shock: :cry: :cry: :( :love5:


Sub-Adult Member
sweetiepie9":2xlkhr8r said:
So I'm back from the vet, Rubio has the beginning of mouth rot, so he'll be on Nolvadent for 3 weeks, every morning. Not a bit deal, but he won't like it.

Titan has a skin infection, he's on Armikacin injections .06 every 3 days in opposite thighs. She gave him the first one this am, showing me how to do it. He also has to have a warm gauze put on his head for 5 min every am, then an antibiotic cream rubbed gently in on all the dark spots on his head and the round dark spot on his side. Then he's back to the vet on Sept 21 (Saturday) & hopefully this makes a big difference.

The biggest news is he's gone from 320g beg June to 580g today :shock: I knew he'd grown but had no idea he was that heavy!

Rubio went from 790g beg June to 840g now. So he's the heaviest he's ever been and he's really not eating that much, so if he bromates I'm not worried about weight loss.

So I've written out a schedule for the shots for Titan as he gets 1 treatment every 3 days 6 more times.

The whole visit was $149, so well worth it. I'll take Leo in when I take Titan back, so his mouth can be checked again. I love my vet, she's very thorough and she even took a pic of me with Rubio on one shoulder and Titan on the other. She can't get over that I can have 2 dragons on my shoulders at the same time :lol: Sort of a normal thing for me. And the best part is Rubio didn't try to eat Titan :lol:

So I'm off to eat and get the boys fed, then get ready for work. After work I'm off to my brother's overnight and have my 7 yr old nephew Ryder to myself for the whole day. It's going to be a lot of fun. We're going to come back here in the morning after breakfast, turn on the lights, go to the stable to watch my niece ride, back to my other brother for an oil change, then a visit to my mom and dad & back home to turn off the lights, then back to Ryder's home for supper and a movie. All in all a good day!

i'm always checking up on your thread. i like reading about the boys :) but i wish i could have your vet! when we took my bowser in when he was sick it was around $130 dollars and all he did was check him over and give him a shot and send us home with some antibiotics. i hope they start feeling better soon, you have your hands full with them. :)

sweetiepie9 Sicko
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Hi Jolene, I was as surprised as you are, that's a lot of weight in a short amount of time, and he's only a year old!
I put the antibiotic cream on his spots, head, side and back of his head, so hoping that will help. He didn't look well after having had his shot, so gave him a bit dose of acidophilus and he's looking a lot better. Have to get some square guauzes as I have to soak his head with warm water b4 putting on the cream, which is clear. As for the shots, not looking forward to that but at least I know what to do. Haven't done a shot for 5 years ago when Lonzo had his tail amputated. Should be interesting!

Hi Liz, yes, I have a very good vet & she has another partner that doesn't know them as well as she does, but is still good to see. I really enjoy Dr Pruss, she's always in a good mood and loves it when I bring my dragons in. :D She gets a real kick out of them!

Hi Chastity, thanks for dropping in, glad you enjoy my boys, too. Never a dull moment over here :lol: I had Didi and Gabriel on my chest after feeding Didi and they sure had their beards out. Didi's gets really black but even though Gabriel has a huge beard (he looks like a pharaoh when it's out full), it's never black, not even dark. So funny to watch little Didi keep trying to bite Gabriel, while he's trying to poke Didi. That's the only time I have Didi out with any dragon, on my chest, up close, where I have complete control over him. He would fight anything, I swear :lol:


Sub-Adult Member
sweetiepie9":2nkyhdn1 said:
Hi Jolene, I was as surprised as you are, that's a lot of weight in a short amount of time, and he's only a year old!
I put the antibiotic cream on his spots, head, side and back of his head, so hoping that will help. He didn't look well after having had his shot, so gave him a bit dose of acidophilus and he's looking a lot better. Have to get some square guauzes as I have to soak his head with warm water b4 putting on the cream, which is clear. As for the shots, not looking forward to that but at least I know what to do. Haven't done a shot for 5 years ago when Lonzo had his tail amputated. Should be interesting!

Hi Liz, yes, I have a very good vet & she has another partner that doesn't know them as well as she does, but is still good to see. I really enjoy Dr Pruss, she's always in a good mood and loves it when I bring my dragons in. :D She gets a real kick out of them!

Hi Chastity, thanks for dropping in, glad you enjoy my boys, too. Never a dull moment over here :lol: I had Didi and Gabriel on my chest after feeding Didi and they sure had their beards out. Didi's gets really black but even though Gabriel has a huge beard (he looks like a pharaoh when it's out full), it's never black, not even dark. So funny to watch little Didi keep trying to bite Gabriel, while he's trying to poke Didi. That's the only time I have Didi out with any dragon, on my chest, up close, where I have complete control over him. He would fight anything, I swear :lol:

he's probably jealous. "mom wont let me beat this other guy up and he's trying to steal her from me!" :lol:

sweetiepie9 Sicko
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Yep, you're both right. He smiles at me, then tries to bite whoever I have with me :lol:

So bad new, my son won't let me come over this weekend because they have visitors coming all weekend, that were supposedly invited b4 he told me to come over almost 2 weeks ago, so I won't see him now until mid September probably. I'm so furious I'm not taking to either of them right now at all. I could really smack him silly. I keep trying to tell him I'm not a visitor, I'm his mom and Leo\s grandmother and deserve to see him, after all it's been a month. So I'm off to my brother's, will be surrounded by my nephew and nieces tomorrow and am so looking forward to having Ryder with me all day. So I'll talk to you all on Sunday.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
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Thanks, I'm booking Sunday Sept 14 with them and they'd better not make any arrng for anyone else on that day!


Sub-Adult Member
Oh no! I'm internet-less for a week and all sorts of bad things happen! :shock: :( :( :( I'm so sorry Deb. About the job yuckiness and nasty Tara and poor Rubio's mouth and poor Titan's skin infection and icky injections :( :( And yet you're still always so sweet and kind despite all this stressfulness though! If the world were full of people who were even half as awesome as you and the other amazing people I've "met" on, I think the world would be a waaaay better place ;)
Sending you and your beardies and geckos lots of love and hugs! <3 <3

Goonie Sicko
Retired Moderator
Poor Titan (for his skin infection and having to have antibiotic injections) and Rubio (for his mouth rot). Hope the medicine will kick in fast and they'll be cured in no time.

sweetiepie9":2tc045ky said:
The biggest news is he's gone from 320g beg June to 580g today :shock:
Holy guacamole! Had he been sneaking food (like a side of whale) while you're not at home?? :laughing6:

sweetiepie9":2tc045ky said:
So bad new, my son won't let me come over this weekend because they have visitors coming all weekend, that were supposedly invited b4 he told me to come over almost 2 weeks ago, so I won't see him now until mid September probably.
What the *bleep bleep bleep* is wrong with them?! If they can't keep track in their head of who they had invited over and when, then they should have a written calendar so this poo-poo won't ever happen again. (by the way, I don't buy that lame excuse at all)

sweetiepie9 Sicko
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Thanks so much snazzy-glasses (never got your name) for the such kind words, you just made my day. I was pretty angry at my son yesterday and haven't called him back, but when I do I'll be insisting on coming over that weekend of September 13-14, if they say no, there's going to be a confrontation. I won't put up with only seeing him every 6th week, that's for sure. My mom and sister are as livid as I am. So I'll get the true story when I call later this weekend.

Liz, you said it!

Hi Gina, Titan's wasn't feeling very well after the injection yesterday, so gave him a lot of acidophilus and he felt much better. So when I give him the next one, on Monday, I'll give it to him early so I can give him the acidophilus a couple of hours later. He gets 7 total injects 3 days apart, after that I take him back to the vet. I have to get some gauze squares, have to soak the top of his head for 5 min with warm water, then put the cream on all the "hot spots". I'm glad I got him to the vet, as I didn't like the look of all these "blemishes" that were showing up, plus the dark spot on the his side. My vet was very impressed with his size, though, and was glad to see that his head had improved, but still will be glad when all these meds are finished. When she told me about the injections, I thought of Brick right away and realized that I could do it, too.

And I so agree about my grandson, Eric is sure making up stories, guess he just says what I want to hear. So I'll be calling him on Monday night, it will take me that long b4 I'm in a good enough mood to want to talk to him, and get that date settled & will tell him to make a note on a calendar, put a note on the fridge, whatever, but I will be there! Enough is enough!

So I've had a great day so far, saw Emily on her horse Lally, she sure knows how to ride! Then back to my brother's for lunch, now Ryder is having a great time playing with Carly (Barbies, no less) and Emily and I are on the couch together. My car is done and we'll be off to my mom's soon.

Goonie Sicko
Retired Moderator
If Eric is not willing to have you over their house (because of whatever's up Tara's butt), then offer to have the boys over your house. Tara can stay home with her stuck up self. (sorry, I know that was really mean, but it makes me mad that you're being dismissed while everyone else gets to visit)

zandi202 Addict
Goonie":2xwgtzse said:
If Eric is not willing to have you over their house (because of whatever's up Tara's butt), then offer to have the boys over your house. Tara can stay home with her stuck up self. (sorry, I know that was really mean, but it makes me mad that you're being dismissed while everyone else gets to visit)

I fully agree with Gina. It's not fair to you how you're being treated especially since out of the entire family it seems to be you they've singled out and just not fair.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
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I agree it's not fair but I'm not changing my plans for them next weekend either. I have a reptile expo I'm going to with 2 friends, then on Sunday is our company picnic and my youngest brother, s-I-l and my 2 nephews are coming, too. So I'm going to call Eric on Monday night and tell him I'll be over on Sept 14, that's 2 weekends away & to keep that spot open for me. And to tt Tara right away to make sure it's open. If there is then a problem, I'll be just going over anyway, and will also be demanding to know what the problem is. Until then, though, they get one more chance to set this right.

So spent the day with Ryder, he was so good all day, from one place to the other. We were out for over 8 hrs before I took him home. The minute he set foot in the door, he was a real brat again & drove my brother nuts. I stayed for supper, had to actually take Ryder's shoes off :roll: and then after supper he ran off to play with friends. David, my brother, looked beat after a long day of riding, but also calm. My s-I-l & nephew are staying in Seattle another day, he was invited out biking again, but said no, he's staying home with Ryder, getting out riding during the day and then being a couch potato. About time, he works so hard & so does his wife, that they both deserved time on their own. I have a couple of good pics of Ryder, plus Emily with her new horse Lally that she's leasing for another month & then she's still allowed to ride her during the winter. She's having another show next Sunday, but I'm committed to the company picnic, especially since David & family are coming, too. Told her next one I won't miss!
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Hey! I'm planning on ordering a 4x2x2 for my next beardie but I'm worried about lighting. I have a UVA and a UVB but they are small (the UVA just being a bulb and the UVB being 12 ish inches?) My house is drafty so I need a strong light that puts off quite a good amount of heat, any suggestions?

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