Hatchling Member
I'm steadily getting more and more worried about my beardie. I posted in health a few days ago with no response and thought I'd move over here since I saw a more concerning symptom.
Back in early November Zeke had a little difficulty with pooping and was trying to go into brumation. The vet told me to try ad keep him warm until he passed a stool and then let him sleep. Within about three days he finally pooped and went to sleep. He proceeded to wake up about every 2-3 weeks and each time he ate a little, but we had issues with him pooping. It would take a few days to get him to poop and then I would let him go back to sleep. At one point he passed a very hard urate; I found that I had been giving him too much calcium and cut back. About two weeks ago he finally seemed to really wake up, but was off his food entirely. I felt his stomach and felt that he was really backed up. I gave him some pumpkin and after about 45 minutes in a warm bath, he passed a very small, hard urate and a ton of poo. I don't know what had caused that hard urate or if it was just left over from the last time. I also noticed that he seemed to have lost quite a bit of weight.
He is now pooping in his bath every other day and is no longer straining. The urate is also the consitency it should be and his poops look fine. However, the only way I've been able to get him to eat is if I put baby food on his nose and let him lick it off. I believe he's eating about 2-3 ml of food a day (I have no idea how much he should actually be eating).
Anyways, today I went down to give him his morning feeding and when I took him out a notice clear discharge around one of his nostrils. I wiped it up and haven't seen anymore, but it has only been about an hour and a half since I wiped his nose. Zeke hasn't been coughing or making any unusual noises. His color is bright and he seems very alert. He also seems to be putting on some weight-- not a whole lot, but enough that I can see the difference.
Age: 1 year 7 months
Basking Temp: 102 degrees (acurite probe thermometer)
Cool side: ~75-80
UVB: ReptiSun 10.0 Tube
Substrate: Tile
Diet: I follow Beautiful Dragon's nutrition. He normally eats dubia roaches no wider than the space between his eyes, though he is only eating one or two a day right now. He gets a wide variety of salads and gets a little bit of fruit once a week. He has been eating squash baby food, a little apple baby food, and some blended collards.
Bathing: 15-20 minutes, 3-4 times a week
Back in early November Zeke had a little difficulty with pooping and was trying to go into brumation. The vet told me to try ad keep him warm until he passed a stool and then let him sleep. Within about three days he finally pooped and went to sleep. He proceeded to wake up about every 2-3 weeks and each time he ate a little, but we had issues with him pooping. It would take a few days to get him to poop and then I would let him go back to sleep. At one point he passed a very hard urate; I found that I had been giving him too much calcium and cut back. About two weeks ago he finally seemed to really wake up, but was off his food entirely. I felt his stomach and felt that he was really backed up. I gave him some pumpkin and after about 45 minutes in a warm bath, he passed a very small, hard urate and a ton of poo. I don't know what had caused that hard urate or if it was just left over from the last time. I also noticed that he seemed to have lost quite a bit of weight.
He is now pooping in his bath every other day and is no longer straining. The urate is also the consitency it should be and his poops look fine. However, the only way I've been able to get him to eat is if I put baby food on his nose and let him lick it off. I believe he's eating about 2-3 ml of food a day (I have no idea how much he should actually be eating).
Anyways, today I went down to give him his morning feeding and when I took him out a notice clear discharge around one of his nostrils. I wiped it up and haven't seen anymore, but it has only been about an hour and a half since I wiped his nose. Zeke hasn't been coughing or making any unusual noises. His color is bright and he seems very alert. He also seems to be putting on some weight-- not a whole lot, but enough that I can see the difference.
Age: 1 year 7 months
Basking Temp: 102 degrees (acurite probe thermometer)
Cool side: ~75-80
UVB: ReptiSun 10.0 Tube
Substrate: Tile
Diet: I follow Beautiful Dragon's nutrition. He normally eats dubia roaches no wider than the space between his eyes, though he is only eating one or two a day right now. He gets a wide variety of salads and gets a little bit of fruit once a week. He has been eating squash baby food, a little apple baby food, and some blended collards.
Bathing: 15-20 minutes, 3-4 times a week