Hi Tracie,
I basically emptied his home, I left only a few rocks. In 120 gallon home I lower the
UVB light and I am waiting for new basking bulb . He’s now in 40 gallon just for a few days to keep a closer eye on him. I ordered, some Dubia roaches for him some liquid exo terra electrolytes, and vitamins with D3 supplement ( i am not sure maybe will be better from powder we have calcium wigg th h D3 ) and insectivore /carnivore high AMP boost reptile supplement to help him recover faster. I will take your advice and buy for him different painkillers. Please see pictures attached of his rearranged homes for references, let me know how I can improve his homes more. My question is, can I somehow help him to stabilized his back legs? Should I? Thank you for your input and I appreciate your help.
Nacho mom.