My superworm breeding kit Pic Heavy!

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Peter Griffin

Juvie Member
Ya know. I never thought about breeding anything other than my roaches. Ill have to do some research and see if this is easy enough and cost effective for me.

fresnowitte Sicko
Hey Peter just thought I'd say it is easy enough can't believe I hadn't been doing this all along. :roll:
They just take a long time to grow.
But think of it.....mmmm......... if your growing roaches and supers that takes care of a
large portion of beardies monthly food cost. :D

I wish mine would hurry up and get bigger already! :blob8: Can't Wait! :blob8:
I've got hundreds of baby supers........and plenty of beetles and morphs.
Hopefully by Spring next year I won't ever have to buy another super. :D

Peter Griffin

Juvie Member
Well, Im still looking to find step by step directions and supply lists, So I know Im doing something Im supposed to. RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH.......

fresnowitte Sicko
Yippy!!!! :blob8: :blob8: They are growing!!!! :blob8: They are about half of the size of a magot. :mrgreen:

I'd post a pic but it seems that my rechargeable camera batteries have seen their last charge. :laughing6:
I'll post a pic when I can pull myself away from my beardies, computer, to go to the store for new ones.. :lol:

Peter Griffin

Juvie Member
Yay, You know I like Pics... I still need to go get some superworms. Haven't had a chance to get somewhere else, after the whole Petco Fiasco. :roll:


Hatchling Member
Yesterday i notice 2 of my beetles were chewed up. Upon closer inspection i noticed very small worms. :D I guess my first batch just didnt work, but this one sure did. I removed all the bedding and put in a separate container.

fresnowitte Sicko
I posted on the 24th of September a pic of when I first noticed baby supers, this is a pic of the baby
supers taken this morning.

They seem to take a bit to get to this stage but are suppose to grow fairly quickly from here on out.


Peter Griffin

Juvie Member
I always do business with Mullberry Farms. I swear when I looked at it the other day, there was something about a nationwide shortage. Order was placed, I will be well on my way to Superworm Smorgasbord. (((Ding))) Cookies are done.

Peter Griffin

Juvie Member
Ok, got the Superworms in today. How many do you think I should start with? I got about 50-60 cups with them separated individually now. Not sure, how many I should start out.

fresnowitte Sicko
Peter Griffin":7105b said:
Ok, got the Superworms in today. How many do you think I should start with? I got about 50-60 cups with them separated individually now. Not sure, how many I should start out.
That should be plenty to start out with. :wink:
I started with fewer just to see if it was feasible for me.
I've had some morph fairly quickly if temps are around 80* otherwise they may take longer.
Start out with the biggest, fattest, juiciest worms you've got. :mrgreen:

Peter Griffin

Juvie Member
Barbara, what did you use as a substrate? I went and looked at the store today and was only able to find Wheat Germ, where in the store would you find wheat bran?

fresnowitte Sicko
Peter Griffin":aaf21 said:
Barbara, what did you use as a substrate? I went and looked at the store today and was only able to find Wheat Germ, where in the store would you find wheat bran?
Wheat germ will work fine. I also mix in some corn meal and oatmeal.
You can also mix in the baby food dry cereals.
We have a store called WinsCo here an it sells alot of bulk foods.
This is where I get a lot of the substrate grains for worms and food for my roaches.
It's very cheap if you can buy it from bulk bins.
For example wheat germ is like 39 cents a pound. :shock:
Do you realize how much wheat germ it takes to make a pound? :lol:
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