Tara is being really good to me now, guess Leo bridged the gap, she loves that I'm so comfy with Leo and can hold him and change him and whatever else he needs. I'm just a baby magnet, so having my own grandson is wonderful! Eric is still very much sleep deprived and he's going to take a month of paternity leave, which is great. He wanted to take 3 months, but Tara is sure that after a month he'll be chomping on the bit to get back to work, plus financially, they can't really afford more than a month. Now I get to do both of their taxes so he can claim her as a dependant and get a bunch of $ back, which will come in very handy while he's off. I just love my grandson, he's big, healthy and very strong, he's already lifting his head on his own and he's only 2 days old! The nurses are amazed at how well he sleeps, how well he nurses (he's got a strong mouth!) and that he's a very quiet baby, doesn't cry much, but when he does, he hollers. I'll have pictures when they get home and download as they want to put his pic on their Facebook first before anyone else and make their announcement. So I'm fine with that, they'll be sending me tons of pics within a few days. They might even allow me to take some pictures as I can print them easier from the camera's memory card than from the computer. So I'll see over the next few days, as I don't go back to work until Wednesday!
I just saw Mylo's thread, it's great!
And unfortunately, the box that Annie's supers were in got soaked by Canpar on the way here and I lost over 3/4 of the worms, it was a stinking mess. So I took pics & Annie will get her claim done. She reimbursed me what we thought was fair as I can't order anymore, I'm not home for delivery at all and can't pick up at the warehouse. The worms that survived were wonderful, bit and fat and my dragons loved them, too bad I'm not home during the week at all, I'd order more in a flash. We figured out getting them delivered regular mail, it was more than the cost of the worms...oh well...we did try! Annie & Peter are great people, I talked to them a lot over the phone and I would recommend them to anyone & have done so.