My "My-my(s)" Myah found a home

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Shall I wag my tail and fetch that ball? No. This will not do. I think I'll sit and bask awhile, maybe all day through. Is that yarn? A funny thing. So fuzzy soft and round. Chase it? No. I will not go. There's crickets to be found! I will not sing a pretty tune. I will not bounce and hop. And if I get too tired, it's anywhere I'll plop. But please my person, mom of mine, or my daddy dear, Remember when you're gone away, I still wait right here. I love my bath, our cuddle time, you're more then just a face. Please don't ever give me to an unfamiliar place. I need you and I'll try to show how great that I can be. Even though, you may not know, if I'm he or she. Have some faith. You'll earn my trust, I swear with all my heart. It's plain to see and clear to me, here's our fresh new start.

(Inspired by a very loved little dragon.)



Sub-Adult Member
Love the new pictures of Mylo..what a big boy! :) Sorry to hear you're so busy with all the paper work. Glad to hear you found a good home for Sara, i'm sure she'll be happy and yes, Annie's needs come first.. im sure Myah will understand.. it's better to give her to a family that will spend time with her then to let her home alone all the time. hugs to you.


Sub-Adult Member
Aww, how sad :( . That would have been very hard for me to decide, you are a very strong woman Holly. Hope you find Myah a nice comfy home that takes great care of her :D !

morphmom Addict
Original Poster
Thank you all. :D
Myah has found a home. A fellow in Guelph Ontario contacted me and I was very impressed with his knowledge. He has 2 other dragons and his girlfriend has Leo's. Guess the 2 really do go well with each other! :lol: He asked me all the right questions. From her feeding schedule to her medical history, to what type of supplements. The best part was that when I handed him Myah, she didn't have a single stress mark! :D
-This was not easy for me. Going to Myah's tank, to turn lights out for the last time was heart breaking. I want to sell that viv ASAP as it's killing me to look at it empty :cry: I was sent pictures of her new home and was shocked at the size! :shock: I can't even imagine how much money her drift wood cost! It was freaking huge! Like iguana sized! :eek: So, if she doesn't have her tank, at least she has some fun accessories :wink:
I was promised photo's and updates after Myah's settled, so it made me feel better knowing I could check up on her. Jeff (the fellow that adopted her) even said I could visit anytime our schedules matched up. That made me feel ALOT better :D
-I've started a thread in the Gecko section for Mylo. This is Myah's thread, her story and I'd like to keep it that way.
I'll be editing my signature so that when you click it, it will go to Mylo's thread. I'm hoping I can learn enough about Leo's to really be able to help people with dragons and gecko's. :D

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Well even though it's very sad that Myah had to leave you at least you found a knowledgable & dependable new home for her. Jeff sounds as if he really knows what he's doing & to offer to stay in touch with updates is great news. I don't blame you for wanting to sell that tank, did you give him all her furniture, too?

I'll check out Mylo's thread, too.

I have big news, Holly, my grandson Leo Duke Stevens was born yesterday am at 10:30 at 8 lbs 4 oz and 20" long!!!!! I was at the hospital from 3p to 9p and held him most of the time. Tara had to have a ceasarian due to her back condition and she was on morphine so wasn't able to hold him much as it made her loopy and shaky. So I got to hold him the most, he's such a beautiful boy and sleeps so well. Has a great pair of lungs and lets us know the minute he's hungry. She was able to breast feed him, to, guess the morphine is such that it doesn't get to him, so that's been going well. Oh, I love being a grandma. Eric looked like a truck hit him, he was so sleep deprived, we finally got him to take a nap laster last evening. I'm going back after lunch & feeding the boys and staying until 8p, so the boys are going to have their lights on late, but they'll just have to deal with it. Cami and Jake are away this long weekend, but they'll survive. They like to burrow under the newspaper when I'm home later than they like. It'll be only 2 hrs later than usual, so no biggie.

Have you heart any more about the house you wanted to buy, good luck with all that. Take care,
Hugs to you

zandi202 Addict
I'm so happy Myah found herself a great home. Can you post pics of the viv she's in now?

Gonna miss her and I can imagine the heartbreak of seeing an empty cage.

morphmom Addict
Original Poster
:blob5: Deb! :blob5: That's so wonderful that Leo was born healthy and happy! :D The devil on my shoulder wants to ask his mother if he was named after your dragon! I'm sure she'd love that idea! :twisted: :lol: Do you have photo's up!? I'll check out the thread as soon as I can! Oh, I'm so happy for your family!!! :D
-It was gut wrenching and heart breaking to let go of my sweet Myah :cry: I kissed her over and over and asked her to be good. I placed her Mr. Froggy from Tonja in her carrier and let Annie give her a long snuggle. He didn't want her branches and hide, he had all natural ones and I was satisfied with that.
-He'll breed her in a year or so. He's not interested in "manufacturing" them, just a few clutches and that's all. He said if I were interested in a babe, once my life is settled more, then I could have my pick so at least I'd have a part of Myah. I thought it was a very sweet offer.
-As far as the house, we've decided on a new plan. Hubby and I have chosen to rent for a year or so until we get to know the city and where we want to be. It takes a lot of pressure off too. Next year, Im outta this one horse town! :lol:
-Liz, I'll post better photos once Myah's settled and they send me an update. Then you can get a real idea of size. I keep checking Kijiji, come on viv! sell damn it!
-Now I'm off to Annie's room. Bought her a lovely second hand storage bed and dresser. It's gonna be a real pain in the bottom getting everything straightened around again, then I have to list her old set. *sigh* It never ends :roll: :lol:

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Tara is being really good to me now, guess Leo bridged the gap, she loves that I'm so comfy with Leo and can hold him and change him and whatever else he needs. I'm just a baby magnet, so having my own grandson is wonderful! Eric is still very much sleep deprived and he's going to take a month of paternity leave, which is great. He wanted to take 3 months, but Tara is sure that after a month he'll be chomping on the bit to get back to work, plus financially, they can't really afford more than a month. Now I get to do both of their taxes so he can claim her as a dependant and get a bunch of $ back, which will come in very handy while he's off. I just love my grandson, he's big, healthy and very strong, he's already lifting his head on his own and he's only 2 days old! The nurses are amazed at how well he sleeps, how well he nurses (he's got a strong mouth!) and that he's a very quiet baby, doesn't cry much, but when he does, he hollers. I'll have pictures when they get home and download as they want to put his pic on their Facebook first before anyone else and make their announcement. So I'm fine with that, they'll be sending me tons of pics within a few days. They might even allow me to take some pictures as I can print them easier from the camera's memory card than from the computer. So I'll see over the next few days, as I don't go back to work until Wednesday!

I just saw Mylo's thread, it's great!

And unfortunately, the box that Annie's supers were in got soaked by Canpar on the way here and I lost over 3/4 of the worms, it was a stinking mess. So I took pics & Annie will get her claim done. She reimbursed me what we thought was fair as I can't order anymore, I'm not home for delivery at all and can't pick up at the warehouse. The worms that survived were wonderful, bit and fat and my dragons loved them, too bad I'm not home during the week at all, I'd order more in a flash. We figured out getting them delivered regular mail, it was more than the cost of the worms...oh well...we did try! Annie & Peter are great people, I talked to them a lot over the phone and I would recommend them to anyone & have done so.

morphmom Addict
Original Poster
-Babies really are proof that miracles still happen :love5: My mother and I were never close, there was a time when we couldn't be in the same room. We wanted to hurt each other. It wasn't right, but that's how it was. Now, my mother and I are pretty good with each other. We still both need our space and the visits are short, but we get along for Annie. What ever she lacked (in my eyes) as a mother, was made up for with being a wonderful Nana. :wink: Babies just plain make the world a better place. I'm very pleased that Tara has relaxed :D
-Sorry to hear about Canpar. They really do mishandle the product! :angry5: Annie had sent me Horn Worms as a surprise for Myah and the box had suffered so badly that the plastic mesh that's meant to go under the worms, went 1/2 way through one of the poor buggers! :shock: Short trips and sturdy worms for Canpar. I really do feel bad for Annie. She just trying to give the best deal. Foolish postal service :roll:
-I enjoyed putting together Mylo's thread. I really hope I didn't break any rules making it. It was nice organizing his history. I miss my Myah greatly but hubby is starting to relax with Mylo. It's very hard to criticize an animal that costs so little.
-I feel like a bad person in regards to Sara tho. Yes, it took me months to decide to re-home her, but I barely notice that she's gone. I really should miss her. She was one of the most well behaved dogs I've ever known. Instead, I miss Myah. I guess I'm just not a mammal type person. Sara deserves someone who'd miss her. I know she's happier now :wink:

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
You have to do what you feel is best, don't worry about not missing Sara, she's in a great home and that's what you wanted for her. I'm getting a dog, I think, when I retire, but having never had one as a pet, not sure if it's the thing to do. Mainly it's to make sure I get out and about and exercise 3x a day, plus companionship, but it's 7 years away and I might just have stuck to dragons, who knows?

I know you miss Myah, how could you not, you spent a lot of time taking care of her, getting her back into good health, it's inevitable that you'll miss her. But on the other hand, having her in a good home must reassure you and now you have time for Annie before she gets to the age when moms are an embarrassement and only friends count. Eric was 11 when he go to that point. As long as we were in the house, it was ok to acknowledge me, but not in public, he'd turn bright red if I said goodbye to him when he went to school and a friend was funny!

How long do you think you're staying in the "one horse town" as you call it?

beardie parents Sicko
I'm sorry you had to re-home Myah. I know you will miss her. I understand why you had to do it. I couldn't do that with my girls but then I've never had a human child and my girls are as important to me as your human daughter is to you.


Sub-Adult Member
yeah.. so I replied to you yesterday stating about Myah being finding a nice new family.. but it must of got erased or something.. can't find it.. oh well.. glad you found her a good family


Sub-Adult Member
Myah's new home (and owner!) sounds awesome :) I'm reallyreally glad you were able to find her a good home, and I'm betting it's a relief for you too :)
It still sucks when what's best for our furry/scaley babies isn't what's happiest for their humans though :( But I think it's very big of you, and also I don't blame you! <3
I thought I had commented when you first mentioned you were re-homing Myah but now I can't find it. Sneaky computer.

morphmom Addict
Original Poster
morphmom":98m0d2z7 said:
But on the other hand, having her in a good home must reassure you and now you have time for Annie before she gets to the age when moms are an embarrassement and only friends count. Eric was 11 when he go to that point. As long as we were in the house, it was ok to acknowledge me, but not in public, he'd turn bright red if I said goodbye to him when he went to school and a friend was funny!

How long do you think you're staying in the "one horse town" as you call it?
You hit the nail on the head. 7 years Deb. *Sigh* I still check on her every night like she's a babe, tho I know she isn't. 7 years gone. How long do I have before she's embarrassed? How long will she cling to my arm? :cry: I want to show her now how mommy much mommy loves her. I'll leave all that I know to give her what I didn't have. My husband supports me. Social, and active is my wish for her. I'll do all I can to make that happen. :wink: We'll leave this little box of a town this time next year. We'll rent, figure out where we want to be, then worry about something permanent. I believe home is your family, not the roof above them.
That's so funny about Eric! It'll be a good story to tell him when his son starts turning red at school! :lol:
beardie parents":98m0d2z7 said:
I'm sorry you had to re-home Myah. I know you will miss her. I understand why you had to do it. I couldn't do that with my girls but then I've never had a human child and my girls are as important to me as your human daughter is to you.
I know you love your girls as much as I love Annie. There will come a day when Annie is grown and making her own way. If I do my job as a mom, I'll then be able to relax and I will have earned my right to scaley babes :D
JangoMom":98m0d2z7 said:
yeah.. so I replied to you yesterday stating about Myah being finding a nice new family.. but it must of got erased or something.. can't find it.. oh well.. glad you found her a good family
Thank you. That is odd. I'm glad too. She'll be ok. I just can't stand that empty viv tho. It hurts my heart to not see her little nose sticking outta her hide. *sigh* It's a ruff economy. I'll be lucky to get half of what I paid :roll:
snazzyglasses":98m0d2z7 said:
Myah's new home (and owner!) sounds awesome I'm reallyreally glad you were able to find her a good home, and I'm betting it's a relief for you too
It still sucks when what's best for our furry/scaley babies isn't what's happiest for their humans though But I think it's very big of you, and also I don't blame you! <3
I thought I had commented when you first mentioned you were re-homing Myah but now I can't find it. Sneaky computer.
The computer has been sneaky lately. That's so strange :? I really didn't expect this much support. I was fearful of being truthful about re-homing Myah but I wasn't going to lie either. I really appreciate everyone checking in. It means alot.

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Our human babies have to come first Holly, that's a given. Annie's growing up so fast, you have to be with her as much as possible, just to let her know that she has the best mom in the world. And to support her in everything she does. Won't that be nice to get to a bigger city area than a small town where everyone knows what you're doing and you get all the opinions of what's going on in your life. I like living in the city, now that I don't have Eric to take care of, just because it's easier to get around. Eric grew up in a town by the beach, with lots of wooded areas, so being an outside kid, it was perfect for him and having my parents in the same town was great, as I had their support during rough times. Eric also had a place to go to after school if Roger was not home. So it worked out for the best and when we moved into the city, Eric hated it. He still lives in the city, but he's realized that for work it's better to be here. But they also live in a duplex that is in a gated community (without the gate) in the back where it's quiet and green, so they have the best of both worlds. A safe quiet place to raise their son and close to public transport for Eric to get to work easily.

So doing the best for you and your family is always the best road to take. How could anyone fault you for that? the fact that Myah's new owner will stay in touch with you is a blessing, too. And you still have Mylo, who suits you best right now.

morphmom Addict
Original Poster
-Annie wasn't meant to be a country girl. She does well in school. All A's and B's. She has friends and all her family near by but there's just nothing here. Just a park and that's all. She'll get home from school, do her home work, then go to the same old boring park. Day after day. Yep. I'd be board too. Public transit would give my hubby a break. It's hard working a rail yard all day then coming home, making dinner and driving Annie and myself to the next town for an activity. He never complains, sweet man. But I know it wares on him. How could it not?
-I have one year to figure out where we need to live in regards to work, school, public transit, and the YMCA. There's also the issue of before and after care for Annie and whether or not to work where I am or work in the city. It's basically going to come down to a miracle street I don't even know exists. *Stress*
-I'll make it work. There's just a lot to do and I hated how that was effecting Myah's and Sara's care. Mylo, is being a little booger right now! :roll: I took out all of his tiles and scrubbed them well, smoothed out his sand, raised his hammock, scrubbed his dishes, removed the water spots from his viv, and added a fun little piece of alabaster to climb. I really wanted some gecko cuddles. The reality of Myah being gone sunk in today and I've been quite blue. And where is Mr.Mylo? Why in his moist hide of course! He's not giving mama nothing tonight! *sigh* Guess I'll try again tomorrow. Little bum! :lol:
-It's really nice Eric was the outdoor type. It's nice that he gets the best of both worlds now. That's perfect for a new baby. It'll be interesting to see what Annie chooses when she's grown. Hmmmm....
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Aww your profile picture is precious ❤️‍🩹
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