My dragon is scratching his head


For the past couple of days, Caramon has been scratching the side of his head, around the back of his jaw. It’s always the same side, and he’s used his rear foot, objects in his terrarium, and even the back wall to try to scratch a spot near the back of his head.

He isn’t doing this “all the time”. Maybe a couple of times a day (probably no more than twice a day), and not for very long either (maybe for 10 seconds or so).

He doesn’t appear to be shedding, at least not yet. On his limbs there are a couple of spots that are starting to “lighten up” in color a bit, but not on his head.

Is this a behavior that I should be watching out for? (And he already has an appointment scheduled with his vet for an examination on the 13th of this month.)

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Ruby, Sinatra, Zsa Zsa
For the past couple of days, Caramon has been scratching the side of his head, around the back of his jaw. It’s always the same side, and he’s used his rear foot, objects in his terrarium, and even the back wall to try to scratch a spot near the back of his head.

He isn’t doing this “all the time”. Maybe a couple of times a day (probably no more than twice a day), and not for very long either (maybe for 10 seconds or so).

He doesn’t appear to be shedding, at least not yet. On his limbs there are a couple of spots that are starting to “lighten up” in color a bit, but not on his head.

Is this a behavior that I should be watching out for? (And he already has an appointment scheduled with his vet for an examination on the 13th of this month.)
Just give him a good looking atand if nothing is obvious just keep an eye on him. He may just have an itch 😃

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Do you have any pictures you could post so we could see if anything odd was going on? Sometimes
they are going to shed but it's hard to see it right away. Is he still trying to scratch his head area?


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